Plays Well With Others

Greg Talks Sex …

You know what makes me kind of laugh. The fact that I pour my heart out in this journal and probably get about 40-50 visitors a day, while the Freaks and Geeks fan site, that is just filled with news clippings and miscellaneous stuff gets about 200 visitors a day. It’s just funny for some reason, that the site I care about more gets less visitors … just goes to show that its the quality of the visitors and not the quantity.

I actually enjoy the number of people that visit.. I mean lets say it was 200 people.. there is no way I’d be able to get to know all of them … I feel like I know most of the people that come in here from emails and ICQ and guestbook entries … it’s nice having a small group of people coming in. I’m starting to be content with this … and I’m really happy that my very first reader, Denise, is still with me … I think that is sooooo awesome. How many other journalers know their first reader, and can say that person is still with them?

Hi, Denise!

I chatted on ICQ twice today with Camille, like we had more to talk about or something. It wasn’t really the case, but somehow we found a topic and ran with it … you should go to her site, she has like ten webrings.

Did you know there is a webring called, “I Love Masturbation”. I find that funny for some reason … and Camille assured me that she just put it up because someone told her to, not because she particularly enjoys masturbation. I find it funny, because you go into these people journals and the whole time you are thinking “this person likes masturbation”. It’s kind of an icky thought.. it’s not like the “I Like Pets” webring or something, this is the masturbation webring.

I wonder how many times I can put the word masturbation in this journal entry. It’s kind of a funny word. I mean what if it didnt mean what it means and meant something else.. like a college degree or something. “I got my masturbation from Stanford University”. Okay, I’m getting tired … I should put this to rest. I’m sure I’ve lost about half of my readers at this point … they’re all like, “What’s up with masturbation boy?”.

I moved the webrings over to this page … it just seems like a better place for them. Kind of stupid having them on a second page, where no one is ever going to go look at them.

Do you ever wake up and look at the clock and realize you are hella late for work? I did that today, I dont know what happened. The alarm went off and the radio went off, and somehow I slept through them … I finally woke up at 9AM, and nearly had a heart attack. You know that feeling of looking at the clock and you feel your heart jump … that’s what I woke up to. So, I quickly threw some jeans on, a shirt, ran around the house, brushed my hair and teeth and raced out of the house … I got to work at 9:30AM and still beat my boss, but didnt beat all the other coworkers. I was just happy to beat the boss.

Today, I finally got started on the stores I have to build … I’m designing the look of the store, guided by my project manager, whose job it is to come up with how the store will work. I can’t talk in too much detail about the specifics, so I hope no one thinks I’m being vague on purpose. I’ve actually signed a confidentiality clause in my contract, which prevents me from talking in detail about projects I’m working on. When they are done, then I can go on and on … they are exciting though.

Also, at 5PM, I had to interview a new Project Manager. I hate interviewing people. I have to think of good questions to ask the people, and usually they’ve been asked all the questions by the first ten people to interview them, so being original is not an option. It usually ends up with me just chatting with the person. Seems like a wastes of time, and most of the time, I can’t even understand what they are talking about..

got home from work, and had to grab a bite to eat before helping Les move some of his stuff into his new studio.

Anyhow, I stopped at McDonalds to get something quick, because I had about half an hour to eat something. You know what I find annoying.. when I give the order and they keeps saying “will that be all”, for example:

ME: Could I have a cheeseburger.. a–
HIM: Will that be all?

ME: And a Coke … a —
HIM: Will that be all?

ME: And some fries … an–
HIM: Will that be all?

ME: And I was told to buy a pie …
HIM: Will that be all?

ME: Yes.. that’s it.

I just feel like I’m being rushed.. it’s not like I’m pausing between those items either.. I’m saying one after another, it’s just that I never get two out in a row … the guy cuts me off and says “will that be all”, like he just wants me to finish so he can stand there in the little ordering booth … I’ve never worked fast food, so I dont know what the good and bad is, but I’d imagine the day would go by faster if you were working the whole time.

Anyhow, like I mentioned, I helped Les move a few pieces of furniture into his new studio. The sofa was tricky, but amazingly it was easier than we thought. We had moved the sofa out of a back room at one point, and had the hardest time moving it … this time we had to get it down a flight of stairs and had no problem at all.. well no problem would be and understatement. I mean it’s never no problem going downstairs with a couch, but it wasn’t as difficult as we originally thought.

All in all, we were done in two hours.. the sofa, the desk, the shelves, etc. I expected it to take all night. So, I’ll probably go buy some food for him, to get him through the week … or he just wont eat.

The Book of Eleven – Brain Lint: I would go to get my hair cut, and when the woman asks me what kind of style I’m looking for, I’d ask her if I could look through a few of her hair magazines, and then when she came back I’d point to a picture of an olive.

Childhood Experience of the Night: I remember in sixth grade, the first time we went through sex education. It was so funny how the school dealt with it. They split up the boys and girls, and brought in the school nurse to talk about the reproductive system. Now it’s not like they showed us anything that looked like parts of OUR bodies … I mean they showed diagrams, the girls looked pretty much like a cows head. She would explain, “now these are the ovaries, and this is the fallopian tubes, and blah blah blah … ” nothing too exciting. The diagram of the guys at least we could pick out the body parts, sort of … I mean its a cutaway view … but there’s no mistaking which one is the penis. So the nurse would explain were the testicles were and what all the parts were named.

So, after our class, we pretty much knew what all the parts were called, but had no idea how to use them and what would happen if they were used together. The basic problem was that this so called sex education class, didnt explain SEX. I’m mean I could easily have gone up to a girl and talked to her about her fallopian tubes, but would have no idea what to do to have a baby. I mean, it’s not like it brain surgery … one of us has something that fits inside of something that the other has … but still, they never talked in school about that sort of thing, or how to prevent pregnancy or whatever.

So, most of us learned about these things on our own. I mean, there is no way in hell, I’d ask my mom about it. It would give her too much pleasure.. why is that, that parents get so excited when they get to talk about things like that … maybe it makes them feel needed or something. The problem is that none of us want to acknowledge the fact that our parents ever had sex, or know anything about it.

“I must’ve been a spontaneous combustion or something, I know you didnt have sex with my father to have me … Ewwwwwwww!!”

It’s just a gross thought. So, most of us learn about sex through television, movies and talking with friends … and even then we are never prepared for the moment we have to use what little knowledge we actually have. I mean, chances are, the first time you have sex, you are going to suck at it. Forget trying to have a good time or to pleasure someone … and forget thinking you are going to be giving or having the best sex of your life … just be thankful if you get through it without passing out.

My only advice is to have fun.. it’s okay to laugh with each other, it’s okay to talk to each other, and it’s okay to help each other out … that’s part of the fun. Once you get over the initial fear of being seen naked, you should be okay … okay, when I say laugh with each other, I mean you should laughing together.. I dont mean someone laughing at you.. see it’s not a good sign when you disrobe and the other person is laughing.. that’s bad.

So, what was I talking about.. oh yeah, I hope schools nowadays have better sex education courses … I mean back in those days, they just didnt want to give any information out … why even split us up.

I have to tell this story, although I’d probably be killed if it was found out I told it … but it has to do with someone’s first time. A friend of mine, M, was talking to me about his first time having sex. Now his girlfriend, had had sex before and pretty much knew what she was doing, but he hadn’t ever done it.

So, without going into too much detail, he was telling me that when he reached the peak of the act [I hope to god you all know what I’m talking about] he suddenly felt like he couldnt breathe and thought he was having an asthma attack or something.

He thought it was kind of funny … because what if they had to call the ambulance and explain to the medics that the reason for the asthma attack was because he hit the peak during sex. I found the story a little funny … just the thought of having to call an ambulance.

By the way, it wasnt an asthma attack … he just sort of stopped breathing, or held his breath or something when he hit that peaking point … he just wasn’t expecting what happened.

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