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I’m a Peanuts Kid …

These online journalers are driving me insane. I’ve got Tim stalking me, or moreso, my visitor stats; I’ve got Katie’s dad ignoring me; and I’ve got Krys, my new wife, telling me to be a porn star.

Well, Krys, also my first webring member … and I were chatting on ICQ and I mentioned how there were some realaudio entries on my site, because she hadnt heard them. So, she said I sound like a newscaster, and that I need to sound more like a porn star.. so I’m currently working on it, to make my wife happy. Sound like real life?

You get married and suddenly they want to change everything about you … hmm, sounding a little disgruntled, are we?

Krys and I did have quite the saucy conversation on ICQ though.. that girl is haaaaaaaaardcore, baby.

As for Tim and Katie, well let me explain this. Tim loves to stalk people’s stats.. and he broke into my code and found my stat counter, but I dealt with the situation and disabled it … I dont share my stats. It’s like someone peaking in my closet or something … now I have to find a way to get Tim back.. any ideas anyone? I could just let it pass, but what fun would that be.

And why is Katie’s dad ignoring me.. well, I was on ICQ, and saw that Katie was online, so I said “hi”. No response. So about an hour later, I said “hi” again.. still no response, so I gave up. Moments later, I get an ICQ from Katie, saying “Hi”. I was just like, I’ve been saying Hi to you for two hours and you didnt respond to me, and she tells me that she just got home from work and that I must’ve been ICQing her father who was on the computer doing taxes. Great way to make an impression.. of course had he answered, it couldve been a very interesting conversation, “Hi Mr.Trame, I’m this guy that almost ten years older than your daughter, and I chat with her online … how do you feel about that?”

Thanks to Denise for my Question of the Day.. submitted using my cool little question box to the right.

Who the hell was deep throat? Well, most feel the unnamed source, that was a part of the Nixon Watergate scandal has either died or will go down in history as the unknown person … quite a few people have theories on the matter, and even Diane Sawyer claimed to BE deep throat. I however, feel that it’s quite clear who deep throat is … it’s the cigarette smoking man in X-Files … you know, Mulders father … he has to be deep throat.. I mean after smoking all those cigarettes, you’d have a deep throat too.

Hope this helps, Denise, I try to give a little history lesson in every entry.. and anyone else that has questions should feel free to ask me.. I’ll do my best to answer them.

So, what did I do today? I know this is the most exciting part of the entry, feel free to skip down to the next section. I bought some wood, to finish that planter box I started last weekend. I had to put a bottom on it, and finished it up with a flat top to sit on. It turned out nice.

Why all the carpentry talk? Well, while most fifteen year olds were busy with sports and games, I was busy doing a home remodel on my mom’s house. I extended her closet, and built a few interior walls … call me Mr. Excitement … but it’s really kind of calming in a way, just to work with wood and cut things.

So besides all the carpentry, I’ve also made a stop at the computer store, to buy some cables. See, since I’m now using the laptop, all of a sudden nothing connects that same way. Like my scanner that used to just plug into the back of the computer, all of a sudden needs some kind of D-something adapter, and also because I’m not sitting next to the scanner anymore, I need a longer cord, and the printer needs an ethernet cable, so I got one of those … I’m thinking $30 or somthing … $90 later, I’ve got three little cords.

So, we’ve been playing together for some time now, I think it’s time you meet my parents.

So, why am I showing you a piece of a Peanuts comic strip. Well, these are my parents. My parents look exactly like Lucy and Charlie Brown. And guess what’s even stranger, there names are Lucy and Charlie … I kid you not. I’m the result of these two gettting together … They even had Lucy and Charlie Brown drawn on their wedding car … so if anyone is wondering what offspring between these two would be like, I’m exhibit one.

I always find this a funny story … my parents are the ones from the comic strip, “Peanuts”.

For years and years, I’ve wanted a pen pal. Not an email pal, but a pen pal.. where we send postcards and photos and actually, using a pen and paper, write to each other. I never found that pen pal, which makes me kind of sad. I think it would have been really cool to start writing to someone at a young age and continue it for the last fifteen years or so, and then be able to meet each other at some point.

Just seems like I’m too old to get into the pen pal thing now.. much too busy. I also always wanted to put a message in a bottle and throw it into the ocean and have someone respond to me.. but with my luck, I’d get caught and put in jail. Either that, or someone down the street would find it and that just wouldnt be as exciting as someone from Italy finding it and trying to write back to me. I can just imagine my neighbor walking over and handing me the bottle.. “hey greg, I caught this in my fishing line … what were trying to do with that?”

It could really backfire.. I could be the laughing stock of the neighborhood “hey, remember that time when you threw a bottle in the ocean … hoping someone would write back to you.. hahahaha.. and that was just last year.. hahahahaha!”

Yeah, hilarious.

Katie did a redesign of her front page. (she told me to say that!)

I told her she needed a photo of herself on the front page sticking her tongue out.. seemed Katie-like. Maybe a nice photo of Katie laying on the top of a car, sexy-like.. hmm, come on Katie, some sexy Katie-pie pictures.

You know what drives me crazy … is trying to get people to sign a damned guestbook or sign up for a notify list or even now having to get people to join a webring.

I dont know what the problem is, I sign everyone’s guestbooks, and try to keep track of sites and journals.. but it’s like pulling teeth sometimes to get people to do things … stresses the hell out of me.

All I ask is that if you come in, that you let me know.. I like to know who’s surfin’ the old Greg superhighway … and if I sign your guestbook.. puh-leez sign mine.. it’s all I ask.

One of lifes little happy moments occured last week … when human resources emailed the company letting us know the new holiday schedule, and finding out we had Monday off.

Everyone thought we were working, so it was one of those moments you relish in.. all giddy, we began jumping up and down like little school children. The email also contained a note about them taking away our week off between christmas and new years, but giving the week back as a part of our vacation, as well as more holidays throughout the year.. I am so happy, I could just scream.

The Book of Eleven – Brain Lint: When I was a kid, someone told me that if you pressed directly on a certain spot – I believe it was somewhere around the neck – you would die instantly. They assured me it was extremely rare to die this way because the spot was hard to find. Despite the absurdity of this faux-medial advice, I have always carried the fear with me, that at any given time, my spot could accidentally be ignited by a hairdresser, a friend who hugged me too tight, a stumbling waiter.

Childhood Experience of the Night: At age fifteen and a half, I got my first job, working at a grocery store. I never had to work in a burger shop, or anything … so I lost out on that experience … but as a “courtesy clerk” I did most of the shit jobs that the ill-educated managers could think of.

“Greg, we’d like you to clean that shit out on the bottom of the milk freezer.. you know that really crappy smelling, thick, gross stuff.. yeah, we’d like you to clean that out”

“Greg, we need you to clean the toilets out.. someone made a big mess in there and they need some cleaning.. yeah, we know you’re pretty dressed up, but get some rubber gloves off the shelf and get to cleaning”

Believe me, I thought of quitting more often than I thought of showing up.. problem was, I needed the money, which was pretty good for a fifteen year old … I think it was $7 an hour and that was over ten years ago. After a year, I managed to impress the main manager enough, and was promoted to working the checkstand … erm, well, they called it a promotion. Now I got to stand and deal with disgruntled customers … who seemed to thrive on yelling and screaming at me …

“You know you overcharged me.. you people do it on purpose … I know you do.. you probably get points for overcharging us.. I’m going to call the news station on you and they’ll take care of it”

ME: “Yeah right, lady, I actually get a commission on your fucking groceries … see these tampons, they are actually $5, but if I charge you $7 then I get some bonus points.. it’s how I get my fucking jollies off, sitting behind this glamorous checkstand all day.. woohoo, this is so much god damn fun, that I can’t believe people are fighting for this job”

To, say the least, I didnt last too long in the checkstand.. and got involved in bookkeeping. I would get to sit in an office all day, count hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and prizes.. oh, and dont forget the coupons, that fifty cents, and add that to the seventy-five cent one, and add that to the, oh man, a dollar off.

I know bookkeeping sounds glamorous too, but wait there’s more. You get to deal with all the bitchy people that want to punch you out because they dont have money in their account, or the crabby checkers that just want a break and dont care that you’re carrying around $100,000 in a pouch … and of course, the best part, the managers that blame every missing cent on you.

Well, after five years and on my fifth year anniversary, I hung up my apron and called it quits.. to join a design team and the rest is history.

Repeat: So, if you want to join my webring feel free, chances are I’ll let you in.. just click on the animation. You know, I had more fun creating that animation, than I had actually putting together the webring.. I really hope you’ll join, it would be nice to see more than just me in there.. and it’s super-cool. Just kidding … do what you want to do?

I’ll just sit and cry in a corner because no one want to join my little webring.. but dont worry about me, I’m sure the therapist won’t blame you for my misery.