Plays Well With Others

Archive for October 22nd, 2000

My what big lips you

My what big lips you have? Come on give me a smooch … Anyhow, there is this site that features all sorts of strange photos found by people. You should check it out.

Two observations I’ve made: The

Two observations I’ve made: The other day I dropped one of those drop in things that makes your toilet water turn blue. It’s supposed to keep the bowl clean and keep it fresh. Well, I’ve observed that, like the ziploc commericial says, “yellow and blue makes green”. The more you pee the greener it gets. […]

I went to my friends

I went to my friends house last night for dinner. They are the ones who had the car accident a few weeks ago. So, they decided to order some chinese take out for dinner and so when I arrived I went to pick it up. Out comes a total for $65. Now most of those […]

Took a drive up the

Took a drive up the coast today. Usually I drive down the coast towards Los Angeles, but I decided to go up, over the Golden Gate Bridge this time to see where Hwy. 1 led. Well, first off it really windy (as in curvy, not lots of wind). Not just a little windy for a […]

Any of you experienced this?

Any of you experienced this? Someone, maybe someone you know as an aquaintance or classmate is really nice to you and talks to you when its just the two of you, but when their friends come around suddenly they don’t want to have anything to do with you. Suddenly they feel the need to become […]

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