Plays Well With Others

I’ll run your ass

I’ll run your ass over … that’s what!

When did it become acceptable to walk behind a car that is backing up? Hmm … anyone?

This week, I’ve nearly backed over five different people. And it’s not like I’m shifting into reverse and plowing out of the space or anything. I look to my left, no one there, I look to my right, no one there, I crank my head around to the back and there’s no one there. So, I start backing out and plow … there’s some fat ass behind my car.

When I’m in pedestrian mode, if I see a car backing up in my direction, I haul ass across the fucking street, because I know they’ll run my ass over. Of course, the morons out behind my car, take the attitude that it’s MY responsibility to keep an eye on them. Well, let me tell you something. Once I look and know there isnt anyone behind me, I’m backing out and if you are in the way, you’re gonna be eating my tailpipe for lunch.

And it’s not like my backup lights are hard to see. I have a fucking big black CRV with the backup lights right near your head. If you dont see those bright red lights flashing near your head then you’ve got more serious issues than those that cause you to walk your ass behind my vehicle.

Some of these assholes are holding their kids hands too. Great way to teach your kid about how cars can back the hell over you. I swear, sometimes I’m tempted to just back the hell up really fast and slam my brakes on just before hitting them … of course, with my luck, I wouldnt stop in time and would probably run them over. It would serve them right, but then, how do you clean that off your car. Usually, I’ll start backing up and when I finally see them, I’ll slam my brakes on hard enough so the car jerks. I figure it should give them at least a little scare.

I just dont know what’s coming over people these days. Argh!

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