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Greg, the law breaker …

I’m sooooo ashamed. I’m no longer a law abiding citizen. In fact, I should be drawn, quartered and thrown into a moat full of angry aligators. Really, I should.

Today, I broke a law. You’d think it was murder from the reaction of the cop, but in my opinion this guy was just having a BAD day. It all started out early this morning, when I had to get to work a little early for a meeting. I left the house and had to make the decision on whether it would be faster to take the freeway or some back roads, and for some reason I decided to go the freeway route. What a mistake that was.

I got near the freeway entrance and couldnt get across the train tracks because of train traffic. So, I sat at the stoplight for about five minutes while that train crossed, and the light turned green. Okay, so here I go, off to work. I hardly got the car in gear and going, when the stoplights started flashing again, indicating a train was coming. Ugh. There goes another five minutes. Should have taken that back road.

Finally onto the freeway it was smooth sailing. Up until I hit the exit I have to take. So, I moved to the right to take the exit and suddenly I’ve got a Highway Patrol officer jumping in the middle of the freeway screaming at me to pull over. So, I pulled over. He explains to me how I crossed a barrier and that’s he’s going to issue a citation. Wondering what the hell a barrier is, I asked and he explained that its those solid white lines on the road. Whatever. I guess they take the place of a wall or something. Also, while he was giving me a ticket, he goes running into the freeway again and starts screaming at another car to pull over. Dude, someone needs to take a tranquilizer.

Anyhow, I ended up with a citation and now have to figure out how to get rid of it. I’m getting court papers in the mail, and then I’ll decide how to handle it. I know I dont have anything on my record and I’m not starting now. Oh the joys of driving.

Oh. And the meeting I was rushing to get to … it was cancelled. Fuck.