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Erm, do I look like I care …

Anyone that has worked for any kind of company that makes use of computers has probably run into the IT guy at some point. Thats the guy that is responsible for all the computers and making sure they are in tip-top running order. They are also usually pretty serious about their jobs … VERY serious.

Over the years, I’ve worked with quite a few of these people and they’ve ranged from borderline manic to cool and casual. The cool and casual guy was probably the best to work with, as he was also a MAC guy. Of course, I’ve found most MAC IT people to be pretty cool and casual. I mean, how could you not be cool and casual using a MAC. They are easy and fun and barely ever break down. But I digress.

The MAC guy used to burn programs for me and give me free fonts and stuff. It was nice. I like when people give me stuff for free.

On the flip side, I’ve also worked with plenty of IT people who were probably on the border of being institutionalized. I mean, if I had to work on PC’s all day long, I’d have jumped out a window a long time ago. This one was so serious about the thing that one day I asked him to check out why my computer was crashing so much and he instantly yanked it off my table and had it in a million pieces before I could even blink. Erm, can’t you just run Disk Doctor or something first.

Computer Techs are a strange breed. Often I’ll hear them talking about the newest system update or the fact that they upgraded their RAM. Erm. Okay, so I understand it all but dont go around telling people about it. I mean, I DO have an image to uphold here. SHUT UP.

At my current job, one of our techs comes by often to ask about my computer. It’s sort of like one of his children. Hows the computer doing? Should we pop in a little more RAM for you? Hows the CPU processing speed going? Erm. The CPU what?

The other day he randomly stopped me in the hallway to discuss the print driver situation. Erm … first off, I was just heading to lunch and secondly I was just heading to lunch. He explained to me that he’d have to do a system-wide OS system update in order to keep us from switching back and forth between print drivers. I was like, erm, everything seems to work fine for me … heading to lunch now. Unfortunately, I got some more details about the upcoming OS X update and some stabilization that would occur because of it. Erm. Again … heading to lunch. Finally I got to lunch. Like I said, the techs are a strange breed.

One thing I do have to add though, is that I hate when people catch me on the way out. Either on the way to lunch or on the way home. It sucks. I mean, I’m all set to head to lunch, I’m heading for the exit, I can see the door and BLAM … someone pops out of somewhere and you hear “Hey Greg”. I wish I could wear some kind of sign or something that says “Out to Lunch, Nothing you have to say can be as important as me stuffing my face right now”. Of course, the fact that I’ve got my car keys in my hand and my big heavy jacket on inside the building wouldnt give it away now.

Same thing about when I’m ready to leave. When its time to go home, I’ll admit, I’m outta there. I dont look back and I dont say bye. I just head towards the door and get out. I dont work to make friends, I work to make money. Thats all.

With that said, I also hate when people at work want to do things as a group. Like I said, I’m not there to make friends. For example, today, it was someones birthday. Someone brought a cake and candles and wanted everyone to join around and sing “Happy Birthday” to the poor schmuck. So, one of my coworkers comes over and says “its time for the birthday party”. Erm. And. Basically it was a call to get me over there. I’m not a freaking five year old. I dont want to sing “Happy Birthday”. I dont even know the person who’s birthday it is and I dont want any birthday cake, so leave me the hell alone and let me sit my fat ass in my desk chair and pretend to work some more.

I hate that shit. I’m definately not a social butterfly. Especially at work. I hate it. Another thing that bugs me is when they want to collect money for an after work get together. I never give money because there’s basically no way in hell I want to see their faces once the work day is over. My day is from 8:30A to 5P. Those are the hours I get paid to see their faces. After that its called “personal time”, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend my “personal time” with the people at work. I dont want to talk to them in the hallways, or during birthday parties or even at after hours get togethers. I just want to work and then leave. Thats pretty much it. That should get me “employee of the month” sometime soon.