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Breathe it in, Bitch

Smokers have to be the stupidest people on earth. The other day I’m sitting in my car, in traffic, and I’m watching the person ahead of me smoking their cigarette. They take a puff and then hold there arm way the hell out of the window, and then take another puff and put their arm way out the window again. Almost as if not to get smoke in their car. Of course, everytime they exhale the cabin fills with the noxious fumes. So there is this person sitting there with their window rolled down and their arm way the hell out of the window and a big, thick cloud of smoke hazing up the car. I was getting to the point where I was hoping they’d shut the window and start choking to death on their own habit. Ugh. Disgusting much.

I mean, if you can’t handle the unfiltered shit that spews from those death sticks, how do you think the rest of us are supposed to cope with it. Smokers suck.