Plays Well With Others

The Big Decision …

Well, the results are in. The in-house position was given to the person with the most time with the company, as I was kind of starting to expect. As I thought about it more and more, if I’d been with a company for ten years, I’d hope that it would give me a little more of an in than someone who has two years with the company. I went over and congratulated the bitch … just kidding. I did go and congratulate her, and then measured her cubicle to see how my stuff would look in there. 🙂

Maybe in another ten years there will be another position and I can go for it … ugh. Until then, I’ll just have to keep coming in and performing the monotony that is my life.

One Response to 'The Big Decision …'

  1. personal avatar
    Nic | 18 December 2003

    Ugh, what crap. I would have given you the job.

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