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Letting It All Go…

I was talking to Nicole today about… well everything, like almost all of my conversations go with everyone I talk to, and somehow we got on the subject of letting go of anger. Deep, I know. Some people hold onto anger forever and some people are able to let it go.

Basically, she’s got issues with the town she grew up in and more directly, with some people she knew in high school. They did some mean things and it’s hard to get over it. And really, for her it’s probably still fresh, so many years later, but at some point I feel that letting it go is the best way to live your life.

We’ve all had different experiences in life and some just aren’t fair. In fact, some can leave a person hurt and angry, wondering why it happened to them. Things affect you deeper than most people would realize. The problem is that, in most cases, the person you’re angry at has no idea they even did anything to you–which leads me to the next part of this banter.

Why should YOU carry that shit around with you? They’re free of it, so why aren’t you. They’re off living their live happy as a clam and you’re miserable. Carrying around burdens from ages ago, and anger towards someone that could care less. They hurt you in the past and you’re hurting yourself in the present. I always say that the only way to live a happy life is to let it all go. Just because you let it go doesn’t mean you’re forgiving anyone or letting them off the hook… it merely means you’ve chosen to rid yourself of the nastiness you’re carrying around so you can have a happy life free of anger and frustration.

At the same time, I think there are people out there that don’t want to let it go. They like the anger. They like playing the martyr, the drama and being able to give the “poor me” story over and over. Some people thrive on that stuff. The problem is that, while it might get you some pity and attention, it’s also a disease eating away at you.

Personally, I’ve been there. I’ve been that person, carrying around anger because life isn’t fair. Because my family wasn’t like everyone elses. And you know what it got me… nothing but making myself miserable. At some point in my life, I just let it all go. No, I didn’t join some church group and get saved… I just decided on my own that it wasn’t worth it. Letting people piss you off means they got exactly what they wanted out of you… a reaction, an emotion. Well fuck that. No one controls me that way. So, by letting it all go, I’ve laughed more and get upset less. Sure little things bug me, but I’m talking about being PISSED off here. Pissed off for a long, long time about something that you can’t ever change. That’s the kind of shit you shouldn’t be carrying around.

You can’t change the past, you can only make your path for the future. You can let people have that control over you by holding onto that anger from years ago, or you can let it go and reclaim your life and happiness.

Of course, like I said… some people like to hold on to it. The drama gets them the attention they need to somehow feel fulfilled. It’s a shame, really. For me, knowing that I don’t hold anger towards anyone is the best feeling in the world.

One Response to 'Letting It All Go…'

  1. personal avatar
    Nicole | 26 July 2004

    Ew, I definitely don’t like being angry. I’m not really angry with her anymore. I used to be. Now it’s kind of just “what happened? we were such good friends and one day you turned into a bitch”

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