Plays Well With Others

Archive for June 8th, 2006

Trick or Treat…

So when we’re all hiding in our bunkers and trying to survive the biological warfare that’s going, you can tell your kid it’s underground halloween, minus the candy and fun. Yeah. Our own private little halloween down under the house.

al-Zarqawi Dead…

Seems that the world is less one asshole today. Here’s where I have some trouble. They can find Saddam in a pothole in the middle of a rice field, but can’t find someone like bin Laden. One might think that since the bin Laden’s and the Bush’s have a relationship, there might be something going on there. Just saying…

Terrorists and Elections…

Anyone remember how right before the last Presidential election, the Department of Homeland Security started raising terror warnings and scaring the shit out of everyone, and then right after the election it all just stopped. When’s the last time you heard a terror warning? Yeah… I say, right around the next Presidential election it’ll all start right back up again. Any bets?

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