Plays Well With Others

Archive for November 15th, 2006

The Thing About SF and Gays…

I think I just figured out why I love living in the San Francisco Bay Area, with all of its kooks and weirdos, we also have people like this, writing articles like this in our local paper. Thing is, this morning I was asking the same question of conservative Christians—how would Gay marriage affect you on a personal level? No one seems to have an answer.

Christians Hate Gays…

In case anyone was wondering why I’m always dissing on Christian hypocrits, here’s a good example. Looks like congregations are now being threatened with expulsion if they are “too gay friendly”. As I’ve said before, I thought God loved all of his children and would never think of judging them. Guess that doesn’t include those sinful fags, huh. Count me out of any religion like that.

African Gay Marriage…

While the United States was busy shooting down measures that would allow same sex couples to marry, South Africa has approved a bill to legalize same sex unions. Crazy. Kind of sad that a third world country would be more open to allowing two people who love each other the privilege of marrying, while the U.S. would rather just keep it in the closet.

Jesus Is A Dog’s Ass…

Well, well. Lookie where Jesus has been hanging out. Looks like the Son of God has chosen a dog’s ass to make his latest appearance. My question is, why was someone staring at this dog’s ass long enough to actually see that image?

O.J. Simpson’s Confession…

O.J. Simpson is going to reveal how he killed his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, in graphic and realistic detail—well, IF he did it. A book will be out by the end of the year. Everyone knows the dude killed them and he can scream it from the rooftops at this point and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

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