Plays Well With Others

Archive for November 27th, 2006

Blogging Religion…

You can always count on religion to stir some shit up, like this thread mentioning the new documentary “The God Who Wasn’t There”. It doesn’t take much to get people crawling out of the woodwork in support of or against Jesus, the Bible and faith in general. Crazy.

Thanksgiving Weekend…

I took an extended weekend starting Thanksgiving day. Typically it’s slow at work on the Friday following the holiday, so it only makes sense to use one of our “floating” holidays to avoid making the trek to work for one day. And so I’m back from a four-day weekend.

The Gift of Life…

Over the years I’ve given quite a few pints of blood. It’s a painless procedure that takes about fifteen minutes to get through. I kind of feel an obligation since I’m a Type O+ universal donor—meaning I can give blood to just about anyone. I can also get blood from just about anyone.

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