Plays Well With Others

Archive for December 14th, 2006

Christianity—A Bad Word…

What the hell happened to Christianity? I didn’t write it, but CNN did and I’m just forwarding it on. Some people agree and some *cough Christians cough* don’t.


It always amazes me when I read or hear about a story about someone that fell for an email scam, like those Nigerian scams that clog our inboxes. The other evening Wifey™ and I were watching one of those news specials on people who’d fallen for the Nigerian scam and even cornered a few of them in the act. Most of us would think that it’d be impossible to get anyone to fall for that, but there a lot of technologically illiterate older people that really believe that they can make some money this way. They give their life savings to these people hoping to strike it rich and in the end, they end up with nothing. It’s sad.

Shifting the Balance…

Senator Tim Johnson, democrat from South Dakota, had stroke-like symptoms resulting from bleeding in the brain and all that Fox News and AP can do is lick their chops over his seat in the Senate and talk about getting Republicans back in control. Oh yeah, and the guy could have died, news on that later on.

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