- Plays Well With Others - https://www.playswellwithothers.net -

The Birth of Commixion…

Site News: Created most of the art and categories for this new version of my personal website. Commixion is a word that means “a mixture” of miscellaneous stuff.

The Birth of Commixion… I finally decided to work on my personal site today and came up with an idea I like. This is what I came up with, hopefully it’ll be well received.

Lately, my eyes have been hurting looking at bright, colorful layouts, so I decided to do something a little darker and easier to look at for an extended period of time.

This is the first time I’ve done a journal in my personal site, and I kind of like it. I figure since I spend time at night on the computer anyway, I may as well do something worthwhile… so here is my journal. Journals always seem strange to me..I mean, by writing a journal I’m assuming that people will be interested in what I have to say, and that I’m going have things to say that are interesting.

Right now, I feel like I’m just rambling… sort of a commixion of words all thrown up here on this, my very first journal entry. Hope you come back tomorrow. Write to me and let me know what you think.