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How Do You ICQ…

Every now and then I do something healthy. Today I took a walk around the lake, about six miles all the way around. I’m not talking a Dawson’s Creek lake, but a San Francisco lake, with cars whizzing by and cookie cutter houses across the street. Nothing small town about this. I wish I lived in a small town, with a nice lake, but for now I’ll have to deal with what I have. Afterwards, I felt like get a cheeseburger at Carls Jr., but decided that might cross out my long walk. I’ve got those three damn wedding to attend, and a reunion in a year and a half, so I figure I should try to get in shape. We’ll see where this ends up.

I got into the 90’s today. I’ve had an analog cell phone for quite a few years. The first was installed in my first car, and was sold when the car was sold. My second was an analog Motorola phone, which worked just fine, but I found it to be very bulky and the battery would wear out quickly. So today I dropped by the cellular store and asked about trading up to digital and of course they were more than thrilled to help me out with that…”all you need to do it buy one of these terribly expensive phones, and yo can store a bazillion number, it has email and a calendar and you can play games, and blah blah blah…” First off, I don’t need to play games on my phone…I have a PlayStation if I want to play a game. Second, I don’t even have a bazillion people to store numbers for, so what good is that. Thirdly, I have a freakin computer for email and appointments. I ended up with a more basic model, which is still more than I need…but its a Nokia 5160 phone with these really cool colored covers on it….I got a red one. It also play 30 different songs when it rings, which annoys the hell out of me, so I chose a basic ring. I only use it, at the most, five minutes a month, only for emergencies. I store it in the car, or take it on long hikes and never carry it around for anything else. Quite frankly, cell phones annoy me. People in restaurants or grocery stores acting ridiculous, like they are so important and have to take a call during dinner or while shopping. Very silly. But I’m digital now…woohoo.

Last night I downloaded an ICQ software to try it out. It seems very confusing to me…Im used to Yahoo chat or AOL chat, we’ll see if I keep it. Right now I’m on a 30 day trial as the ICQ name: knisegai. Call me if you want, perhaps you can teach me how to use the damn thing. Damn technology, how the hell am I supposed to keep up.