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Did I win?

Okay, I’m starting to get bored.. another slow day at work.. something must be done about this. I think I surfed the internet, and updated personal sites all day … that can’t be good.

We’re sort of in limbo right, I have a project outsourced, waiting to be returned to me so I can test it, and another that hasn’t come to me yet … so in the interim I’m just at a standstill.

So, our Katie hasn’t done an entry in two days now.. hmm, do I hear the ring of the winners bell, in the contest. Well, our Katie seems to be waffling, so I dont know what happens at this point …

I dont think she’s gonna follow through with the contest.. I need you all to support me here.. I win, I win … I’m Mr. Winner …

Okay, enough prancing around with my winner’s crown … I still need to collect my prize … now how do I go about doing that.. it’s not like I’m going to fly to Lebanon, Illinois and make Katie tell me.

Hmm, I dont feel that great winning satisfaction …

So, tonight I was talking to a reader Camille and forced her to ask me a question so I could fill my journal.. so she asked me whether I’d like to be rich and unhappy, or poor and happy?

Well, I’ve been poor, and I’ve been unhappy … and I dont really like either … poor people can’t buy much, and everything costs so much money.. so if I were to be poor, I’d have to get rid of all my credit cards and the car.. and not have any debt.. without debt, poor isnt so bad … how poor are we talking? I mean if we are talking homeless shelter, sleeping on some sort of skanky smelling bed, and eating three day old food, no thanks …

I’ve eaten food from a shelter by the way … when I was doing volunteer work, we were feeding the homeless people, and we decided to sit with them and eat what they were eating.. well, the stuff tasted like crap, I couldnt even finish it.. which made me feel really bad, because I had to throw it away.. and I thought, great, now I’m throwing away food that these people couldve eaten. They put alot of salt on it to make it not so bland … yuck.. there was no flavor, nothing … like eating, I dont even know.. I’ve never eaten food so bland.

Anyhow, back to the subject.. so poor I can handle, destitute I will have a problem with. Now unhappy.. well, I had plenty of years of that … and now I’m over it, but unhappiness is sometimes worse than being poor. You could spend your days by yourself, because no one wants to be around an unhappy person, and you end up just feeling worthless …

So, to answer the question, I’l have to take being poor and happy, over rich and unhappy … of course, I’d always take rich and happy over anything.. but that wasn’t the question.

I can handle being poor, although I thoroughly dont enjoy it … but since I’ve been there, I know what I can handle.. and well, Ramen isn’t THAT bad … but I’ll look funny being poor and sitting in the homeless shelter typing my journal on my Powerbook G3 laptop..

So, this reminds me.. my question box in the right hand column is always open if you have a question for me.

While I was talking to Camille, I suddenly felt my turtleneck squeezing my throat … I dont know if my neck suddenly swelled up, or if my turtleneck suddenly shrunk, but it got really tight.

I wore it all day, and all of a sudden it was too tight … strange … so I had to take it off very quickly.. you know, breathing is part of getting this journal entry finished … and it helps me avoid leaving the computer on all night..

Childhood Experience of the Night: Just to show what a geek I was in school … especially junior high.. I’ll share a story with you. To save some money on buying lunches, during junior high I worked in the cafeteria … I’d get to leave class ten minutes early to head down and set up the hot lunches for the period … in exchange I would get a free hot lunch..

Remember those burritos, or pizzas with that grainy stuff on the bottom.. those were actually my favorites.. compared to that mysterious brown stuff with the corn mixed in it … and remember that green jello with the fruit drowning in it … I’m off the topic arent I …

Anyhow, I’d serve lunches to the students and sometimes work the snack store during the lunch period, while all my friends were having fun and talking and enjoying their lives …

I remember a couple of incidents that were kind of funny.. the first was while I was serving the hot lunches.. the trays were extremely hot, and this kid was screaming at me for something … and I grabbed the hot tray, burned myself, and then slammed the hot lunch on the couter in front of this kids face … well, as I was trying to heal my hand, I could hear some snickering and laughter, and one really angry kid on the other side of the counter …

… seems when I slammed the hot lunch on the counter, the tacos that were inside, flew out of the tray and landed right in the guys face and hair.. all I could do is look and up and not laugh. I sort of popped another lunch up on the counter and handed him some napkins … and for some reason he didnt jump over the counter and pulverize me.

Another incident.. I was handing out sandwiches and this guy gave me a $10 and I gave him change.. he then turned to me and said “I gave you twenty” … I said there aren’t any twenties in the drawer … he insisted, and I insisted.. it went on and began to turn into a drama. I told him to leave his name with the lunch lady and she could count it out and if he was right, she’d give him the money …

.. his response was to challenge me to a fight in the courtyard after school.. great. I’m going to get beat up for money that isnt even mine.. and I’m not saying I was going to be fighting.. just getting beat up … he was ten times larger than me and in an upper grade. So after school, I went towards the courtyard and kind of stood around to see if he’d show up.. I stood far enough away so he wouldnt see me, and enough for me to run if he did.. but I figured I should see if he was serious … I mean if I didnt show up then I’d have to go through it everyday until he beat me up.

Well, he never showed up.. thank god. I wasnt quite ready to die for the lunchroom.. funnny how people always want to beat you up in service job.. (I had plenty of people offer to punch me out working at the grocery store..but thats another story)

So, anyway, that’s my geeky lunchroom story of the night … I did get some free lunches though.