- Plays Well With Others - https://www.playswellwithothers.net -


Yeah, now I have two people in my super-cool webring.. Krysten and Zed, and I have promises of more people as soon as their webpages are up and running. I’m just happy anyone joined me and now I have the super-cool group.. of course getting Tim and Katie to join is like pulling teeth, but I’m just happy to have anyone in there.

I was also a litte PMSing last night with the “signing the guestbook thing”.. it had nothing to do with you all, mostly with someone else.. but I appreciate the fact that Ashley and Timmi signed up right away, for fear that I would gobble them up. Actually, the real reason I enjoy people signing, is that it makes it more personal. See, I can look at the stats but you’re just a number or an ISP, but if you sign, then I actually know who is coming in here. I’m all about knowing who I’m chatting to … because although this is a journal, it’s just as much about me talking to you all.. so, again, thanks Timmi and Ashley, as well as all the rest of you that have signed the “book”.

Tonight is Freaks and Geeks night.. I know, most of you probably missed it, or have no idea what it is.. but our favorite journaler told me she watched it.. so yay, Katie. My misssion is to just get one person to watch the show per week..

My day today, being off from work, was filled with apartment looking. I finally met Kara, my possible roommate, and we got along pretty well. She’s a nice girl, brown hair, swedish, and tall and beanpole like … just like she described herself. We spent the day scouring the streets for apartments.. which is like searching for a needle in a haystack, here in the Bay Area.. see a two-bedroom anywhere else is quite affordable, but here it can go as high as $2000-$3000 a month. Like I can afford that … and still be able to buy food. No.

So we think we found a place, that is less than glamorous, but should do for a year at the least. The place has a nice sized kitchen, a dining area, a living room with a fireplace, and two bedrooms and a bath. One bedroom is very large with a walkin closet, which I told her she could have, and I’d take the smaller bedroom with alot of my stuff in the living room … so it sounds fair. The place also has two parking spots which is very important to both of us.. because we both have new cars and need a spot off the street …

Is it my dream place?? No, but it’s not the most horrible either.. I mean I’m sure we’d survive a year and then probably move on.. at least its within our budgets and takes care of most of our want list … the bad thing is that it’s on a really busy street, but we are at the back of the building, so perhaps the street noise won’t be so bad.

We’ve calls into some others also.. so it’s just wait and see. We were pretty tired after three hours of driving around.. I was getting so car sick trying to read maps and newspapers while she was driving.. I have such a weak stomach.

Tomorrow begins, probably one of the most hectic weeks, this year … a four day week, filled with a ton of meetings at work regarding the new web projects, as well as classes beginning on Wednesday for Spanish, then next Monday for Nutrition.. hmm, should be exciting.

So, while I’m trying to keep a journal entry for every day, who knows what’s going to happen come Wednesday.. I mean with work, this journal and trying to keep the fan site updated … as well as my freelance jobs.. I dont know which will suffer first.. of course, work and freelance pay the bills so it won’t be one of those.. wish me luck.

The Book of Eleven – Brain Lint: My brother found himself in a postion where on one of the first dates with this one girlfriendd, she said something which somehow evolved into a cutesy, inside joke between the two of them. The only problem was, he wasn’t paying attention when she initially said it, so he never really got the joke. she often referred to it and each time, he would muster up a lame smile or head-nodding chuckle. After so many months went by – they were pretty serious, together for over a year – there was just no way he could say, “You know what? I have absolutely no idea what this joke is about.”

Childhood Experience of the Night: Do you ever feel like certain things are blocked out? Like my childhood.. I remember certain birthday parties, I remember some field trips, I even remember specific events.. like what I was eating and where I was and what I was wearing … and then there are those things I just can’t remember. It amazes me.

I mean, like I told you all about Don, who remembers everything we ever did together.. and I dont remember any of it. He tells me how we went to a party at Becky’s house and played a certain game, and how we played at this house.. I dont remember any of it. Sometimes I think, was it really me that was there. I mean, shouldn’t I remember any of that. Of course, maybe it was just more important to Don than it was to me, as horrible as that is to say.. I mean I remember things that are important and for some reason I dont remember those things.

Don and I were best friends in elementary school, for those of you unfamiliar.. we had alot in common, except that our appearances were completely opposite. I was a small, scrawny kid while Don was a little taller and chubbier than I was … but somehow we found our common interests.. of course now, I dont remember any of them, but I believe we were really good friends during those days.

Sometimes I wish people didnt have to change or grow apart.. but it happens.. somewhere in junior high or high school, people begin to change and find that alot of things they used to do and like, no longer interest them. It’s just too bad how people have to change..