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Are we alone?

I think we’re alone now, there doesnt seem to be anyone arou-ou-ound!

That’s lyrics from a song by, I think Debbie Gibson or something.

Pretty much how I feel around here. I haven’t heard from anyone in such a long time (in the online world), it seems kind of lonely out here. I did hear from Krysten yesterday, after complaining about this, but I’ve gone onto ICQ and no one is around. Okay, okay, I know I should be working, but sometimes it’s nice to do something else.

So, I’ll just sit here and sing what I think is a Debbie Gibson song, “I think we’re alone now, there doesn’t seem to be anyone arou-ou-ound!”

I know it’s probably not good of me to splatter Les’ life all over this journal, but what else am I supposed to write about.

Les spoke to Cindy and they’ve come to an agreement. Following is an email I got from him regarding the situation,

“I talked to Cindy today and a wedding in May is unlikely. Who knows when the wedding will be. There are things that need to be settled first. We’d like to find a place for both of us though by May. So, keep an eye out. I think another reason why Cindy considered a wedding in May was because maybe a living together unmarried situation would be frowned upon by her parents. But we’ll deal with that. Now, I still get to enjoy my place.”

So, for now, they are holding off, which I’m thrilled about, because quite frankly, it was all happening way to soon. People should just slow down and enjoy their engagements.

Last night was my Spanish class. I’m really enjoying that class. It really makes a difference when you have some really fun people to take the class with.

I think you all know about the two girls that talked me into taking this class with them, even though I dont need it for anything besides enrichment. So, I walked in yesterday after missing last weeks class and Doreen called me over and patted on the seat next to her, as a sign for me to sit down there. So, obediently, I sat next to her. We usually spend the whole class passing notes or making silly comments on random observations about the book or the class. We also seem to be partnered up for anything needing a partner. It makes the class go by alot quickly.

Michelle is the other girl in the class, and she sits right in front of me. Basically, Doreen and I sit against a wall with windows to our backs, and everyone else sits perpendicular to us, so we are basically facing the side of the entire class … if any of that makes sense. So, when I say Michelle sits in front of me, basically if I look forward, I’m looking at her side.

Before any of you get carried away, with the love lines or anything. They both have boyfriends. Doreen is about four feet tall, asian, and super funny, so we are constantly cracking up about something. Michelle is a litte over five feet tall, looks sort of hispanic and also has a great sense of humor, as well as a super fine body. She really does … And then there is me. For some reason I always end up hanging out with these girls that are extremely attractive, but do you see me getting any action?? NO. I guess attractive girls like dorky funny guys to hang around with.

Anyhow, we all have a good time and partner up for all of the lessons we can. After class, since we all park in a similar place, I walk them to their cars, so they dont get car jacked or kidnapped or highjacked or anything … not like I have the power to fight anyone off, or even look partly threatening, but perhaps seeing a group of three people would keep someone away.

It’s one of those classes I totally look forward to every week, more for the social aspect than anything else.

Tomorrow is my performance review for work. I always hate things like that. I hate hearing people say bad things, but I also can’t deal with compliments that well, so it’s usually an uneasy type of thing.

At this job, they had a review ourselves first. Basically tell them what you thought of your own performance. You could write a paragraph and also mark a circle from Need Improvement to Exceeds Expecations, with a couple in the center. So I marked all the center ones, Average or something. I dont like things like that where you have to say whether you are like the super-fly of the company.

The second part of what we had to do was review our coworkers via an anonymous online form. This was really hard too, because before we did it, our manager said he didnt want us just to write nice things about everyone, like “Bob is a great worker and I like working with him”. Basically he said he’d toss them if they were like that. So I had to try to find constructive criticisms of my coworkers, whom I’ve only known for three months, and some on a few days or weeks. And then I had to critique my managers and our VP of Marketing.

A little tip, even if they say it’s anonymous, dont really criticize anything major. Just say alot of nice things, and then something like “better communication” or something. Then no one will get mad and fire you.

So, like I said, the performance review is tomorrow, which as I understand, is supposed to include a raise or something. It would help, but I’ll wait and see what happens.

I know how I’ve said this before, but I can’t believe how this site gets like 50 people a day (on average), and the Freaks and Geeks fan site gets about 300-400 a day. Especially since I just threw that up as a test to see if I could do a fan site, and I pour my heart and soul into this.

I’m not complaining, I love each and every one of you … I just find it a little funny.

Also, thanks to those of you that are in my webring … I’ve been a little lacking in responses to people, but thanks for joining and for you patience.

I built a music store yesterday, so go check it out and buy a CD from my store.


Do we all need to email Tim, and tell him to update his god damn web page?