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Since I returned to

Since I returned to work, everyone has been commenting on the fact that I lost 15 lbs. due to the illness. “God you lost weight!!” “Ohmygod, what happened to you!!”. My pants are a little baggy-er, my shirts are looser … of course, I could afford to lose a little more, but I won’t push my luck for now.

Yeah, I lost a bunch of weight, because my throat was closed up to the size of a straw, and it was raw and hurt like hell to eat anything. I still can’t eat anything with too much flavor, it irritates my throat. I tried to drink some Hawaiian Punch, just to get some flavor and the sugar nearly ate a hole in my throat. Won’t be doing that again.

I can eat rice pudding though, which is really yummy. I love rice pudding. Its really good, and soothing when it runs down my throat. I can also eat sandwiches, which I’ve been living on for the last week. Tuna fish sandwiches, egg and olive sandwiches. That’s what I’ve been surviving on. Dont be too jealous.

I also made some really really water-downed Kool Aid. I’m a little tired of water all the time, I’m beginning to feel like I’m going to drown. So, the Kool Aid is a nice change. I can’t drink my usual apple juice or orange juice because they also irritate my throat, so I’m left with crap like Kool Aid.

Anyhow, thats how things are going this week.