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Cherished Moments … We all have

Cherished Moments …

We all have moments that stick out in our lives. Some good, some bad, but for some reason you remember them. They stick with you. I can’t even remember what I ate two minutes ago, but for some reason I can remember vivid experiences in my life.

I don’t even think I can say what my most cherished moment is. I dont really have just one, but rather a montage of moments all fuddled up in my head. Cool moments that make me happy. So, I thought I’d share just a few with you all now.

I dont know if this is really a cherished moment or a cherished time period, but I cherish the time I spent living with another family for a few months when I was around five or six. My mom was in the process of moving the family to the Bay Area (SF) from Petaluma, a country area at the time. I was in Kindergarten and it would have been a little traumatic to have to move mid-year, so I stayed behind with family friends. They were great to me. I suddenly had a mom, a dad, a sister and a brother all at once. We ate dinners, played, and went on vacations … just like a normal family. I just remember it as a really great time, where things were normal for a change.

Other memories floating around, include my grandparents. My grandfather on my mothers side would take my sister and I for walks down to McDonalds, where he’d order us a breakfast item and we’d sit with him and his friends. I also remember kissing him goodbye at the end of a day long visit and can still remember that scratchyness from a days beard growth. My grandmother on my mothers side would sit in the living room and play with the miniature cars I had. She loved crashing them. I’d put a car on the table and she’d grab one and hurl it towards my car until mine fell off the table. It made me laugh, which was probably her reason for playing the game. I also remember being really small and standing on her knees while she held my hands. She’d sing a song and then quickly let me drop, careful not to hurt me. I remember the way she’d serve dinner for the family, but would hardly ever eat. Instead she’d sit at the edge of the table looking over our plates so she’d know when to jump up and refill it. There was never an empty plate at that dinner table.

My grandparents on my fathers side also gave me plenty of memories. My grandfather gave me the male figure growing up I needed to have. He helped me with cub scout projects, such as my Pinewood Derby car we needed to make. I came in in the top three, which was really great. He helped build school projects and showed me how to use tools, like saws and such. I also remember jumping in his big truck and sitting on his lap while he drove … he’d make us think we were the ones driving, but he’d have his hands on the wheel the whole time. I remember there always being a pack of mints in his truck which my sister and I would grab at right away. I also remember my sister and I being sick and being left in my grandfathers care. He had no clue how to cook anything so we’d end up with a can of Chef Boyardee or something. It was always good.

My grandmother has her own memories with me. Although I spent most of my time with my grandfather … I remember going out in the garden and seeing her planting the roses. We also have this “inside joke” about the time she tried to cook something called “pasties” and they were the most god-awful things we’d ever eaten. My grandfather, my sister and I tried to eat them until my grandmother sat down and took a bite and nearly threw up. I think we ended up with hotdogs that night. Then there is the thing where if you mention farting around my grandmother she’ll start laughing. She ends up laughing so hard though, that she’ll end up farting. It’s funny.

Anyhow, there a million more memories I have stored up … some with family, some with friends, but they’ll have to wait for another time. We all have these little snips of life that we store in our heads … sometimes it’s nice to remember them and smile.

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