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The Grass is always greener

The Grass is always greener in someone else’s backyard …

The saga continues … I spent yesterday doing gardening stuff. Actually it started out as a quick trip to mow my mom’s lawns, front and back. I swear I should just buy her a push mower. See her lawnmower is one of those pull cords types. You know the kind. You have to practically give yourself a hernia to get the thing going.

Anyhow, I mowed the front lawn, pulled some weeds from the flower bed area and headed to the back where you’d swear she was growing a jungle. This is the same backyard that just a year ago was fixed up by gardeners. Anyhow, my mom isn’t big on actually weeding, just growing things.

So, I mowed the lawn and then began weeding under the rose bushes. Well, let me tell you that wearing gloves is not optional. I have so many damn cuts on my hands today, it’s not even funny. I did manage to get the yard back in shape with minimal blood loss.

Anyhow, that was yesterday. Today I did some shopping, for food and christmas gifts, and then hung some shelves in my closet. I’m a busy bee … so sue me.