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In the News … The

In the News …

The RU-486 Abortion Pill: This is a pill that you can take to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, similar to the morning after pill. As I understand it, it sort of overdoses your body with hormones and your pregnancy will end. Of course, you will also be sick as a dog for quite some time, but its just one of the many abortion options available to the masses, these days.

So, lets start up some controversy. My stance has always been pro-choice. I’ve never seen abortion as murder, and have always believed firmly that every person has the right to choose whether they are in the right place in their life to have a child. It’s a personal decision, and unless all the pro-lifers want to bear the burden of raising all these children, they ought to just mind their own business.

With that said, I also believe that abortion shouldn’t be made so easy that you can just pop a pill and have it over and done with. As with some abortion clinics, I believe that you should attend mandatory counseling, and if you are underage, your parents should be notified, and I also believe there should be some kind of recordkeeping going on, to ensure that abortion isnt being used as a form of birth control. It’s definately a last resort, folks and should only be considered after a LOT of thought.

I was listening this morning to someone claiming that the benefit of the RU-486 pill was that “say Planned Parenthood was closed, and it was midnight on a Sunday and you needed an abortion … you could take the pill”. Huh? So, what difference does it make if you wait until Monday, when they are open? And, whose going to give you this pill at midnight on Sunday?

McVeigh’s Death Sentence: I’ve always been a proponent of the theory that the punishment should fit the crime. If a man molests a child, he should have his dick rendered useless, except for peeing. I’m talking about the inability to have an erection here. No foolin’ around with people like that. And, if you blow up a building filled with hundreds of men, women and babies, you should be put to death, even if that’s all you ever wanted in the first place. Some argue that its barbaric for a country like the United States to still be using such tactics, which is where the controversy arises.

I can only give my opinion on the matter, and expect someone to disagree with me. I’m always up for a good debate and in the end, it all comes down to personal choice, like abortion is.

My personal feeling is that its senseless for us to pay tax dollars to house, feed and provide internet usage to people who will NEVER return to be a productive member of society. Most prisoners would rather be in their safe little prison city where everything is handed to them, rather than in the real world where life is much more complicated. Seems sad that we are spending more on prisons than we spend on our childrens schools.

We all have the right to live our lives without fear that someone is going to break into our house and murder us. We all have the right to walk down the street without fear that we might be jumped and robbed. We all have the right to be happy and shouldnt have to worry that someone else might come along and harm us … or kill us.

Then there are those that can’t live by the rules. Those that feel they have the right to steal, hurt and kill. Those that shouldn’t be allowed to kill someone and then sit in a prison, living their lives. They should be put down, much like we’d put down a dog for ferociously mauling a person. We wouldn’t put a dog in doggie prison, where all the mean dogs live … we’d put it down.

Where I have a problem with the death penalty, is how its done. I dont believe in hanging a person, or putting them in front of a firing squad. The electric chair seems fitting for some of the crimes that have been committed, but even that is extreme. The gas chamber seems like an awful way to die, but probably no more awful than how that person killed their victim. Then there is the lethal injection, which seems to be the least controversial, but also doesnt seem quite strong enough.

Like abortion, if you’ve been personally affected by something like this, your feelings will probably differ from those who havent been affected. A rape victim who chose to have an abortion for obvious reasons will more than likely feel differently from a pro-lifer that’s never had to deal with an unexpected pregnancy coming from rape. When my family had to deal with the murder of my cousin, they wanted the guy dead … and this is the Catholic, church-going side of my family.

My point is that I think there is a need for a system that weeds out the people that are useless in our society. People that have committed horrible crimes that end the lives of innocent people. I’d rather have the money that we spend on them rotting away in jail, go to our teachers and schools, so we can educate our kids and keep them from becoming murderers and rapists and serial killers. Thats all.

Sucks to Be Married to Sharon Stone: Speaking of death.. [it’s the best segue I could come up with, so sue me], since being married to actress Sharon Stone, Phil Bronstein, some bigwig newsguy for San Francisco’s newspapers, has had a heart attack, was hit by a car, had food poisoning, and yesterday was attacked by giant lizard. She is obviously hiring baffoons to kill her husband … this story, straight from

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