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Reunion Time..

Ugh. Yes, it’s been ten years already since I graduated from high school, and the reunion fairies are knocking on my door, asking me to go. Orginally I was psyched to be going, I mean I’d get to see all those people I hadnt seen in ten years, oh what fun. And the more I thought about it, ugh, would it really be THAT fun. Most of the people weren’t really my friends, but more people I knew. The only thing that is making me feel slightly like going is that fact that I’ve been keeping the class website for the last four years and it’s sort of expected that I’d be there.

Of course, there will be more of them. I mean, there’ll be a twenty year and a thirty year and well, all those others. I guess it’s better to go to the first few, because after a few years you get too old to care, and there will be less people there when I’m at my 60th reunion. All four that are still alive, sitting around with our caretakers and ventilators, remembering the good old days of high school.

I have to make a decision this weekend because they want my response by August 28th, and I just can’t get my ass in gear to make the decision. Ugh.. I hate this. Maybe I’ll go, maybe I wont … it’s being held right down the street from where I live, so its not like I’d have to travel far or anything. Of course it’s a bad time of year, with the wedding planning and everything going on, plus Wifey™ won’t be here to go with me by that time. But, I could just work there and keep myself busy that way. Who knows. Decisions, decisions …

Has anyone gone to a reunion? How’d it go? Give me some help here people …