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Feeling like utter crap …

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I woke up this morning to the news that Dave Thomas, the founder and pitchman of Wendy’s, had passed away. Not to many details, but it’s sad nonetheless. He always seems like a nice guy for some reason. Probably the reason the company used him to sell their burgers. The funny part is that I never go to Wendy’s. It’s either a McDonalds or Burger King day. Never Wendy’s. Anyhow, he’s dead.

I took the day off of work yesterday due to the flu. It’s hit me like a ton of bricks. Ugh. I’m hot, I’m cold, I’m hot, I’m cold … and my head feels like it’s been filled with helium, and I didnt think a nose could run this much in my life. Jesus. I’m at work today and still feel like crap.

So, onto cheerful news. Has anyone seen the new iMac that was just announced yesterday. Tr»s cool. It looks kind of like a desk lamp, with a flat screen monitor attached to it. It takes up about ten inches of space on your desk and the monitor can swivel in just about any direction you want it to. Pretty amazing if you ask me. Apple does it once again.

Remembering back the first computer I used was an Apple. An Apple IIe. What a monstrosity that was. The CPU and keyboard were integrated and took up practically the whole desk. The monitor was about 12-13 inches, and everything on it was green. This was way before the dawn of the Macintosh, so there was no OSX. It was basically running on a DOS like system. You’d type in your codes and could then access your programs. RUN: GAME. How prehistoric can you get? Well those were the early 80’s for you.

The first computer I owned was a Commodore 64. It was a keyboard, 5.25 floppy disk drive thing that connected to my TV set. I had three programs that I could use, all part of some combo package that I had. Spreadsheets, word processing and database. I knew those programs inside and out. I mean, it’s all I had. At some point, I upgraded to a Commodore 128e, which was alot cooler to use. Woohoo.

By the time that computer died, I’d already decided to buy my first Macintosh. The brand new Mac Classic. Boy did that feel great. I’d saved up about $1000 and laid it out on the counter in cash, to buy that thing. All of 2MB of RAM, a sleek beige cabinet and a small 9 inch black and white monitor. It was really a workhorse back in the day. Afterall, most of the programs hardly used an RAM at all and most could be run from the floppy disks they came on.

After a few years, as you can imagine the Mac Classic was looking just a tad outdated, especially with all the color monitors and faster computers coming out. So, once again, I updgraded to a Mac LCIII, with a color 15 inch monitor and the sleek beige Mac keyboard we’ve all become familiar with. This one also came with about 16MB of RAM, “more than you’ll ever need”, as the package touted. Erm. Yeah, that lasted all of about a year.

Currently I’m using a Mac G3 powerbook, with about 160MB of RAM, connected to my 17-inch flat panel monitor. It’s not as fast as the newer candy colored computers out there and sure I get envious when I see the new ones out there. But for now my little computer does the job it needs to do. It crashes constantly, but it’s like an old car, you get used to it and learn how to baby it a little to get it going again.

I have to add that about a year ago, I started also using a Windows machine, my first experience ever and although these days it’s getting more of workout at home, I still rely on my Mac to do the tough jobs. I mean, I’m more familiar with it. Also, I lose files in the Windows machine. They save somewhere and disappear. Ugh. I just dont understand why people want to use those things.

Anyhow, entertain me with your computer stories. I’ve got to take some Dayquil and get some rest or something.

One Response to 'Feeling like utter crap …'

  1. personal avatar
    Jessica | 10 January 2002

    I remember when I was in second grade, we had a computer lab at my school with a whole bunch of (now) old Apple computers. There was no mouse, just a keyboard, and the screen was all black and green. The only thing we used these computers for was to play games like “Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?” and some word game where it’s like a whole story, but it’s blanked out with symbols and you have to type in random words to see if they show up in the essay. And then there was that fishing game, where you were a fish (like a trout or something) and you had to avoid the bigger fish and the hook that came from above. Good times, good times…

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