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Just ain’t good enough …

Anyone else feel that the Canadian’s were jipped from getting a gold medal in the figure skating competition for the Olympics yesterday? Wifey™, being Canadian herself, has a special spot in her heart for the Canadians in the Olympics. It’s sort of our own personal rivalry. US vs Canada. So last night she geared up to watch the figure skating competition and told me all about this Canadian couple, Jamie Sale and David Pelletier, who were a shoe in to get the Gold medals. So I watched to see it happen.

Now, I’m not much of a figure skating type of person, but figured it could be interesting, and since Wifey™ wanted to see her team win, it seemed like a fun thing to do. First up were the Russian pair, Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze. Their performance wasn’t bad, but a little stiff and they made a couple of mistakes that even I could see, from an untrained perspective. Not knowing much about the “sport” though, I didnt have much to compare it to. When the scores came up, it looked pretty good for them.

Next up were the Canadian pair skating to the song from “Love Story”. With something to compare them to, I could see that they were noticably less stiff and had way more emotion and grace to their moves. More importantly though, they didnt make ANY mistakes. As their performance ended, the crowd stood up and cheered them on and the commentators announced that they’d gotten the gold.

Only, they didnt. The scores came up and by a slim margin they’d lost to the Russian pair, and the crowds booed the judges and the commentators couldn’t believe their eyes. It definately smelled like there was something going on. Probably no coincidence that the judges from USA, Canada, Germany and Japan all voted for the Canadian team, and the European judges from China, Russia, France and Poland all voted for their nearby neighbor. And so the gold was ripped from Canada’s hands and handed to the Russians, not because they did a better job, but because of the location of their hometown. They probably would have won even if they hadn’t skated at all.

Let the investigations begin.

I’m sure you’ve all heard of Kama Sutra and if you haven’t, well, you are about to get an eyeful today. It’s today’s topic. Erm. Yeah.

The Wheelbarrow

How you do this: Stand facing the bed or a chair, then bend over so that your head and arms are resting on its surface. Your partner then stands behind you and grabs one of your ankles. Holding your foot near his hip, he enters you from behind.

The only part of this I like is the “enter” part. Everything else seems like a hell of alot of work just to get a little action. One hand holding an ankle, another hand holding a leg and then trying to balance all this out, jesus, I’d be afraid I’d snap her neck or something.

The Side Saddle

How you do this: Lie on your sides nearly perpendicular to each other, your guy behind you, so your bodies form an X on the ground. Then raise your top leg so he can inch his lower body — and his little lumberjack — between your scissored legs. Once you’re joined at the groin, he grabs your shoulders and you anchor onto the floor to stabilize each other for a stellar ride.

If I wanted to be a “lumberjack” I’d have trained for it. Jesus, once wrong move and you’ll both be in hospital. Try to explain that one.

The PinWheel

How you do this: You and your partner lie on your sides facing the same direction. First, you lower your crotch onto his, wrapping your legs around either side of his torso. Your arms should be stretched out behind you supporting your weight. He then encircles your waist with his legs and grips your upper thighs and thrusts gently.

The only thing I’m seeing with that one is major leg cramps or a charlie horse when you finally do get your legs wrapped up in there. Unless you are both gymnasts, I have a hard time believing that the average person can do this stuff.

Head Over Heels

How you do this: Kneel with your arms crossed in front of you on the ground (cushioned by a pillow) and your behind in the air. Rest your head on your crossed arms (and brace your head on the floor if necessary). Have your partner stand behind you and lift your legs up by the ankles until your body is almost perpendicular to the floor. Then he should enter your vagina from the rear.

Okay girls, how many of you want to be on your head during sex. Head rush much? Maybe it heightens the sensation or maybe it would make you pass out. Ugh.

The Couch Canoodle

How you do this: Your partner sits back on a couch (or a comfy chair). As you straddle his lap with your legs splayed apart, your knees bent up against his chest, lean back so you’re almost upside-down, your arms stretched behind you (all the way to the floor) to support your weight. Thrust back and forth, opening and closing your legs and clamping your PC muscles around him. When you’re ready for him to hit his passion peak, squeeze your PC muscles when he’s completely inside to send him soaring.

Hmm.. so all I’d have to do it sit there. Not bad, eh. I could grab some popcorn, a cold beverage and turn on the game and life would be perfect. 🙂

The Circle Game

How you do this: Up the intimacy in any sexual encounter by incorporating this pose for at least a minute or two. With your partner inside of you, sit facing one another and wrap your legs around each other’s backs. Grasp each other’s elbows, and then lean back against the other person’s weight. See if you can tilt your head far enough back to rest it on the floor. Try to remain still and concentrate on your bodies completely connecting.

Holy jesus! What the hell are they doing and how do they get out of that position. Hey honey, let’s become pretzels. That hella looks like it hurts.

Anyhow, there are plenty more that can be found here [1], so check ’em out and report back on your progress.