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Doctor visits …

On Monday, I went to my follow-up doctor’s appointment. Basically, the first appointment, a week and a half ago, was primarily to take blood and urine so they can test it and determine if I’m healthy or not. This appointment was to let me know the results.

Basically, nearly every test they ran came out perfect. My thyroid is fine, most bodily functions are within the normal range, and blood pressure and heart beat and very good. And then came the bad news. My cholesterol is two to three times higher than it should be. Ugh. The doctor basically said that if I lose about thirty pounds, my cholesterol should return to normal and I’d be okay. However, if I did nothing about it, I might as well start digging a grave right now. Erm. Nice choice.

So, I begin my new diet. Basically, for men we should have no more than 35 grams of fat in our diet per day, and for women no more than 25. Bust out those labels and start adding up the fat grams. Ugh. The diet sort of goes as follows: red meat no more than two times a week, try to eat most of the carbs during the day rather than at dinner time so they can be burned off, no whole milk, cut the cheese and bread way down, and get a bunch of fat free/low fat foods rather than the regular kinds. Basically, most of this stuff Wifey™ and I are already doing, so it’s not much of a stretch. Our new addition, however, is to take a walk every night for half an hour around our neighborhood.

We’ve basically cut our portions of food in half, so we are essentially starving. I imagine that there is a point, where you get used to it and don’t care, but in the beginning, all we can think about is our next meal. Ugh. Sad indeed. My half a cut of oatmeal this morning was great. Last night we had three strips of chicken and a salad. MmmmmMmmmm. I need to find some snack foods.

My next appointment is in two months and the doctor said that I need to be ten pounds lighter by then. No pressure there. Actually, it’s just about one pound a week to lose by then which can’t be that hard and before I know it I’ll be back in top shape. It’s actually something which both Wifey™ and I have been wanting to do for some time. Get back in shape.

There has to be an easier way that doesnt involve sticking a vacuum tube in our stomach and sucking out jars of fat. Ugh. Anyway, I’ve got to go eat a ricecake now.