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Back to normal …

So, the Slim Fast plan lasted approximately two days total. I don’t know how the hell people do that shit for extended periods of time, but I know I can’t. I need food. I need sustenance. I need to chew on stuff.

And so, today for breakfast I had a bowl of oatmeal. I actually like oatmeal — especially the Maple and Brown Sugar variety. Sure, it’s probably not the healthiest kind, but at least I can eat it. I can’t do plain oatmeal either. Of course if I had to choose plain oatmeal or Slim Fast, I’d have to go for the plain oatmeal.

I haven’t quite gotten to thinking about a lunch plan yet, but I think there is some lunchmeat at home, so perhaps I can whip up a decent sandwich. Some ham and cheese or something. Of course cheese isn’t good either, right. Well, fuck you. According to all the studies out there, NOTHING is good for us. I guess I’ll just have to deal with the fact that something is going to kill me someday.

I have a feeling I probably won’t lose the weight my doctor wanted me to lose before the next visit, but if I can at least get my cholesterol down a bit, it might make up for it. If not, I guess I’ll be getting a packet of pills in a few weeks.

Speaking of things that are going to kill us someday, I haven’t ragged on Dubya in some time. Anyone else tired of this dimbulb running our country. I should say, running our country right into a war. Anyone else feel that as soon as a Republican gets in control of the country, immediately we have to go to war with someone. And not only is he trying to get us into a war with Iraq and S. Korea, but he’s also going to leave office with a multi-billion dollar deficit. It’s almost like everything Clinton worked on to clear up is totally being destroyed now with Dubya in office.

And it’s so apparent that all of these economic stimulus packages of his are geared to help the wealthy out. A perfect example is the fact that his latest package is going to eliminate most of the dividend taxes shareholders pay on stocks they own. I’m sure homeless shelters all around the country are cheering that one on. Like those broke-ass mofo’s have any stocks, or are even worried about dividend taxes. Here’s a an economic stimulus package for ya, how about dropping the federal tax by 1-2% for those of us making under $100,000 a year and tacking it onto the checks of those making over $250,000 a year. Another part of his package includes tax cuts to businesses so they can spend more to boost they economy. Basically it just means they’ll continue laying off, but give the higher ups raises. Ugh.

Of course the stock market loved the news. Stocks are up 2.5%

Isn’t it kind of sad when the Word of the Year [1] is “WMD – Weapons of Mass Descruction”. Ugh. If you think about it, should we even have weapons of mass descruction around. Mass destruction. Sounds pretty awful to me. Sounds like something that could wipe out the planet. So let’s glamorize it by making it the word of the year.

There were some other words of the year of 2001 that were a little more, let’s say, creative. For example,
Shuicide Bomber Terrorist with bomb in shoes.
Osamaniac Woman sexually attracted to Osama bin Laden
Orthorexia Nervosa Obsession with eating the right foods

However, my sincere favorite comes from 1991 …
Bushlips insincere political rhetoric