- Plays Well With Others - https://www.playswellwithothers.net -


Someone has been copying entries out of people’s weblogs and posting them in their own weblog, as their own entry. Ummmmmmm.

Here are some examples, which I copied from www.tokenramblings.com…

Original: http://www.tracks.demon.nl/ontwerp/mythologie.html [1]
Copy: http://ph8.blogspot.com/2002_03_01_ph8_archive.html#11066118 [2]

Original: http://www.flavacountry.com/archive/2002-02/index.shtml [3]
Copy: http://ph8.blogspot.com/2002_06_01_ph8_archive.html#78308885 [4]

Dude. At least change some of the words around and shit like we did in high school. EVERYBODY knows not to copy it straight on. Duh.