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The Other Side of Antibiotics …

I guess the only way you’ll know if you’re allergic to something is to put it in your body and find out the hard way.

Such has been the story of my experience with Keflex, a strain of Penicillin. I’ve been taking the shit for about a week now, to keep the infection down. The problem is that since I’ve been taking it, I’ve developed symptoms not related to having my teeth extracted.

First off, my tongue has felt extremely sore. Imagine heating up a nice pizza with lots of red sauce, and then pulling it out of the oven and taking a nice bite. Oops, but you forgot to let it cool off, so you burned your tongue on the red sauce and now you can’t taste anything for a week. Same feeling, just multiplied by 100.

Also, my throat has been swollen and in the last two days I’ve been developing these red spots on my hands and feet, as well as having tingling sensations throughout my body. It’s great.

So, I’ve taken myself off the medication at last and am waiting for it to get completely out of my system to see if that fixes everything. Ugh. Way to make me better.

I vaguely remember something similar happening to me when I took an antibiotic for that throat thing I had a couple of years ago. They gave me something and the next day I woke up with huge red splotches all over my body, much worse than the spots I’m currently wearing.

I guess I’ll have to remember to tell the doctors about this next time I see them.