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Long Weekend…

Long weekend are great because I can usually plan a few projects out. There’s always something to do on the homefront and a nice quiet, long weekend is just what I need to get those things done. It’s also the first weekend in about a month or so that it hasn’t rained. Double pleasure, double fun.

Saturday, Wifey™ and I went to borrow a ladder from my Grandma’s house. We have a crown molding project in our stairwell that is so high up that our regular ladder doesn’t reach. I knew my Grandma had a really long ladder, so I figured that would be perfect. The problem is that the ladder is so long that it doesn’t fit in the truck. So, the next best thing would be to strap it to the top. So, we went through all the trouble of tying it down the the top of the truck, with about three feet hanging over in the back and the front and headed off. We drove pretty slowly all the way home and took the city streets, instead of the freeway. It took almost an hour to get home this way, instead of the fifteen/twenty minutes it could have taken.

Anyhow, we arrive home, untie the ladder, haul it to the front door, start to bring it in the house and *whack*, it hits the ceiling. Four feet too long. Ugh. So now we have a useless ladder that’s too long for the stairwell.

I ended up asking a neighbor, and he has a ladder that will fit the stairwell. I probably should have asked him in the first place.

Anyhow, I did manage to build a planter box this weekend for the front of the house. One project down and a new one on the list‚Äîtrying to get the ladder out of the house now that we’ve jammed it in. Ugh.