Plays Well With Others

Give and Take…

Yahoo News

I saw this on my Yahoo front page and immediately thought… okay, N. Korea has a food shortage and the U.S. has too many peanuts. Make some peanut butter and ship it on over. Good source of protein, they’d be set. If it’s good enough for the kids on Big Brother, why not.

Of course, it goes against the whole problem I have with the U.S. constantly helping other nations, and not helping their own country enough. But.. hey, we have too many peanuts and they need some. Sounds like a fair trade. In exchange, they can point their nukes in another direction. Or was that S. Korea? Anyhow, peanut butter makes the world go ’round.

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2 Responses to 'Give and Take…'

  1. personal avatar
    Cam | 09 August 2005

    To hell with that – let those people starve while their sabre-rattling leaders pump all their money into building nukes. Maybe the peasants will start a revolution we can support.

  2. personal avatar
    Greg | 10 August 2005

    Okay, you sold me. I wasn’t all that attached to the idea anyway. Maybe we could make a commercial showing tons of peanut butter siting in a warehouse going to waste, while they starve. 🙂 Like those got milk commercials… but Got Food? instead.

    We’ll keep our peanut butter for our homeless. The government’s already paid for the over supply anyhow, since the peanut farmers contractually get paid by our tax dollars whether they sell the goods or not. Essentially, they’re OUR peanuts. Ugh. First, our tax dollars pay for the peanuts, then they package them and sell them to us AGAIN. Sounds like a scam.

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