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All About Men…

Wifey™ and I were watching Oprah yesterday and the show was about “why men do the things they do [1]“. Yeah, I said Oprah. It’s on our Tivo in case anything good comes up and while I was making dinner, Wifey™ was watching it. I popped in from time to time, but got the gist of the show.

Basically women had questions about men and Sports Illustrated’s Rick Reilly, singer Brian McKnight and the Tonight Show’s Jay Leno answered them—revealing the man code we hold so dear. Thanks guys.

Anyhow, I thought I’d post the questions here and give my own opinion on how I felt.

Why do men go to strip clubs?
This question was posed by a girl that had warned her boyfriend that if he went to strip clubs she’d leave him. He went to a strip club and she was gone three days later. Personally, I don’t need strip clubs and don’t get much out of them. They aren’t my thing. And if your partner specifically tells you not to go or she’ll leave, then don’t go. The question then turned to whether going to a strip club was considered cheating… what about buying a lap dance. In my opinion, going to a strip club wouldn’t be considered cheating as long as it’s just viewing entertainment. When you cross over to buying a lap dance, then you’ve crossed the line. At the end of the day, if you’re into strip clubs you need to find a woman who’s secure enough about the relationship to let you go. If she’s not, you have a choice to make.

Why do men watch porn?
According to the statistics, 75% of men aged 18-34 view porn at least once a month. Who knows. Again, I don’t see a problem with it IF it’s just once a month or so. If it’s every day then there’s probably another kind of problem going on. WHY? It’s a visual stimulant. Guys are visual. Women are emotional. Women will read Cosmo and get turned on reading about cuddling and pillow talk. Men just want to get passed all that and see the boobs. Ugh.

What’s up with catcalls and wolf-whistles?
I like how they explained it on the show. Basically women spend HOURS making themselves look that good, that guys are just verbally expressing their reaction to that. I think the difference is that a group of guys will whistle and yell, while a group of women will huddle together and talk about the hot guy quietly as a group. No difference really except for in the delivery.

Why are men so obsessed with golf?
My immediate response was “it’s a hobby”. Delve deeper and it’s about hanging out with the buddies and having the competitive relationship. Like most games, there’s a beginning and an end. You play the game and after 18 holes it’s over and there’s a winner. We like that—knowing where we stand.

Why do some men cheat?
Although there are some guys that cheat because they are just losers, for the most part I believe that some cheat because they are missing something in their relationship. Maybe they are going through a mid-life crisis and need to feel like they’ve still got it, or maybe they aren’t getting enough sex or attention. I think the reason men cheat is the same reason women cheat.

What do men think about after sex?
Katrina reveals what she believes occupies the minds of the fairer sex after lovemaking. “We’re thinking about long-term relationships,” she says. “He’s really cute, are we going to have cute kids? Can I bring him home to the family…?” Erm. I can say with nearly 100% accuracy that most guys aren’t thinking about that. After sex, we’re thinking about sleeping, or what we’re doing the next day or any number of other things. We aren’t thinking about the relationship or having cute kids. Oh, and don’t ask because that would turn into one of those “let’s lay here and talk moments” that we guys REALLY don’t want to be a part of. Ugh.

Why do men get lazy after they say “I do”?
I don’t think it’s just men that get lazy. I think it’s just getting overly comfortable in the relationship. When you’re dating you’re basically always trying to impress the other person, so you pull out all of the stops. Once you get married, you no longer have to impress each other because you’ve signed the marital contract. I’m not saying it’s right, just that it happens. Every now and then you have to take a step back and maybe try a little.

And finally one girl stood up and asked why guys can’t just cuddle or hug or whatever and not have it lead to sex. The overwhelming answer seemed to be that guys just don’t think that way. Basically once a guy starts cuddling he gets aroused and the end result is wanting some. Girls, on the other hand, being emotional are perfectly happy cuddling, hugging and kissing and having it lead to absolutely nothing. Ugh.

Actually the funniest answer was when the women asked why men can’t just hold hands or put his hand on her and one of the panel guys said “because it’s too hot”. Haha. Yeah, mine is “because it’s itchy”. Most guys just aren’t touchy feely. Personally, I just don’t like being pawed.