Plays Well With Others

Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About…

This guy kept notes about everything he and his girlfriend had argued about and wrote a book. I’m sure more than one or two can relate to this.

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2 Responses to 'Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About…'

  1. personal avatar
    Cam | 15 December 2005

    I only keep records of arguments Katie and I have via e-mail. That way I can make citations if we have the same argument again and she attempts to deny something she previously said.

  2. personal avatar
    Greg | 15 December 2005

    Well you certainly know her, so those records might come in handy any day now. And I’ve got a backup of the last eight years or so of her journal socked away, in case it’s needed at some point. 🙂

    I don’t know why she took it all down anyhow, there’s plenty of stuff I’ve written over the past six years or so that I’ve either changed my tune on or would prefer people not to read. But you know what, I wrote it and it’s there and that’s just how it goes. Certainly there are times you write something and it makes you look stupid, but you learn from it and move on.

    Anyhow, keep those notes because it’s a book in the making. 🙂

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