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Make or Break, Part Deux…

A few days ago I wrote about how the FedEx guy made my day [1]. Yeah, not THAT way. Today, another shipping company nearly BROKE my day. The other shipping company appears to be some small-time shipper that I’ve never heard of, so that might explain things.

Monday we got a call from this shipper asking for us to call them back and schedule a shipping date for them to drop the shipment off. We agreed on Thursday because Wifey™ was heading to work after noon and they said they only deliver from 9:30AM to 1:30PM. I figured, I could take my lunch break from noon to 1:30 and wait around for them. So that was set up and all was going to be good.

Tuesday rolls around and we get another call from this shipping company asking us, again, to schedule an appointment for delivery. We inform them that we already scheduled a delivery and the guys seems to be okay with it. Kind of strange but we figured there was a crossed line somewhere.

Wednesday comes and we get home to find a message on our answering machine from the SAME shipping company asking us to schedule an appointment for this shipment. WTF. So again, I’m thinking what the hell is wrong with these people. And again, we figure they’re just idiots and expect our shipment to arrive Thursday as scheduled.

So, fast forward to today—Thursday—the day of the delivery. Wifey™ is home all morning waiting around for the delivery and around 11AM, she calls to let me know they hadn’t arrived yet. I ask her to call them up and confirm that they’ll be making the delivery as scheduled and she does. At this point, they let her know that we’re not on the delivery schedule, and that they can’t deliver it today but can schedule us for tomorrow. And she calls me back to let me know.

Erm. Yeah. ERM. At this point I’m pissed off. So I get their number and call them back. A lady answers and I explain the situation and she let’s me know that her drivers are all out, that they only deliver from 9:30AM to 1:30PM and that basically I’m shit out of luck. Sucks to be you.

Erm. OH NO YOU DI’INT. Doesn’t suck to be me, because I’m not hanging up until that delivery is made today. So, I basically tell her that scheduling it tomorrow is unacceptable, that someone is sitting in my house waiting for that shipment and that it NEEDS to be delivered today, not tomorrow. After some back and forth, she finally relented and said that her driver could go back to the station after his deliveries were complete and he could make a special trip to pick our shipment up and deliver it between 4:30PM and 6:30PM. And I agreed that that was an acceptable solution, thanked them for their cooperation and hung up.

So here I sit… waiting. And if it doesn’t arrive, I’ll be making a phone call… from OUTSIDE their building.