Plays Well With Others

Archive for May 4th, 2006


In the past decade or so, pharmaceutical companies have realized that they can take an ordinary thing and turn it into some kind of medical problem and then get people to buy medication to “fix” it. How many “therapists” or psychologists are prescribing drugs for kids without even taking a few minutes to see them or figure out what might be wrong?

The Ain’t No Celebrity Fit Club…

A few of us at work have found a way to keep fit and get some exercise through a “fit club” type of activity. Today was the first day—the benchmark day. We’ll be doing it once a month to see if we can improve our benchmarks and by the end of six months we should see some kind of dramatic difference. Well, some kind of difference.

The Bottom Line…

One of the first things I do in the morning is check out the news headlines. I’m not big on watching news reports on TV and would rather catch the headlines and then pick and choose which stories I’m really interested in. I can read them in a few minutes and be done with it. Quick and easy.

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