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Down The Tubes…

The ongoing joke around my house is that, if I like a television show, chances are pretty good it’ll be cancelled. I don’t get into a lot of shows these days, so when I do, it’s pretty rare. And I can be pretty certain that it’ll get cancelled.

I’ve never really gotten into the popular shows of the time. When Seinfeld was on I never watched it. And to this day, I’ve only seen a handful of the episodes. Back when Alley McBeal was the talk of the watercooler, I didn’t know much about what was going on. Except for that creepy little dancing baby. Who could not know about that.

Instead I was watching shows like “My So-Called Life” which was cancelled early. Or “Freaks and Geeks” which became a cult favorite, after NBC cancelled it. The producer of that show went on to create “The 40-Year Old Virgin” and “Knocked Up”. I was also into a show called “Once and Again” with Sela Ward.

Anyhow, it’s happened again. I’ve been watching “Journeyman”, a Quantum Leap like drama based in San Francisco, where the main character finds that he’s “leaping” from present day to the past to fix things from the past. Instead of taking on a character from the past, he is himself, oftentimes nearly running into his alternate self from that time period. He’s also got a former girlfriend who happens to have the same ability to spontaneously “leap” around. It’s a good show, just getting better every episode.

Except that it’s been cancelled. Kinda [1].

Journeyman cast

And speaking of television. Apparently, Jennifer Love Hewitt is what fat looks like these days. Yeah. Apparently some asshole bloggers decided that she’s fat. They anonymously posted comments on a message board about—because you know how brave bloggers can be when they are sitting in their homes behind a computer screen.

Instead of sitting by quietly though, she fought back [2]. She posted a message in blog, “‘I’ve sat by in silence for a long time now about the way women’s bodies are constantly scrutinized. To set the record straight, I’m not upset for me, but for all of the girls out there that are struggling with their body image. A size 2 is not fat! Nor will it ever be. And being a size 0 doesn’t make you beautiful…. And like all women out there should, I love my body. To all girls with butts, boobs, hips and a waist, put on a bikini — put it on and stay strong.”

Hmm. Well, if this is what fat looks like, break me off a second helping. I’ll take some more.

Jennifer Love Hewitt

I think people need to stop thinking that a healthy body weight is fat and that skin and bones is what thin should look like. And for those people that have to hide behind a computer screen to insult someone, maybe they need to spend some time in front of a mirror to find out what ugly looks like.