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Do You Like Legs or Thighs…

My Horoscope for Today*:
Games and game shows are a good bet for today. A spirit of fun prevails as you test your wits against other people’s. Laugh!

I dont really like game shows. They tend to bore me. Most of the time I’m watching stupid people trying to guess things that I’ve guessed half an hour prior. Then I end up sitting their yelling at the television, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest! Come on it isn’t that difficult” Except with Jeopardy, where I just feel stupid. I’ve discovered Rock and Roll Jeopardy, which is cool because I actually have a chance at knowing the answers, plus Alex Trebek isn’t on it. I dont like Alex’s attitude…like when someone gets it wrong, he acts like he knew the answer all along “Ah too bad, the correct answer is Fleur de Lis”. If he didnt have the card in front of him, he’d look at stupid as the rest of us. My horoscope said laugh, and instead I’m all riled up about game shows. HAHA!!!

What is our obsession with body parts? I mean there are the people who like butts, which I never got because don’t most butts look the same…two cheeks and a crack. I mean there are really big butts and really small butts, but overall its someones ass your looking at. One of my sisters friends once told me she liked my butt…how do you respond to that? Gee, Thanks…I like your ears.

There are people that like legs, or feet or hands, which well, I also don’t get. I mean, I like a nice set of legs….its better than not having them I guess. They help people get from place to place…I mean I guess I wouldnt like legs with veins all over, or a big gash in the side, so does that make me a leg guy. Hmm.

While a nice body makes a good first impression, I find that the person’s personality is what clinches it for me. Can they make me laugh? Can they sit quietly with me? Are we comfortable with each other? Are they argumentative or easy going? I dont understand people that stay with people that they argue with all the time….it makes no sense to me. Being in love is about happiness and joy, not fighting and arguing. Oh well, at least on the web our first impression doesn’t come from a body part.

On this subject, I was just wondering what the weirdest body part is that would be a turn on. I mean breasts are a normal thing, but is there someone out there that likes people that limp, or perhaps someone that stutters, or like Ally McBeal, the guy that likes a neck waddle thing. Hmm…nothing like a big flap of skin under the neck to turn a guy on….boy am I going to sleep well tonight. 🙂