Plays Well With Others

AidsWalk in SF…

I woke up around 6AM to get ready for AidsWalk 99 in San Francisco. For those unfamiliar with AidsWalk, it’s one of the largest AIDS fundraisers in the country, taking place in cities all over the United States. We raise funds in the weeks beforehand through sponsorships, and then today walked about six miles through Golden Gate Park. My company makes a big thing out of it, with a bagel breakfast beforehand, and a BBQ afterward. Although slightly overcast, I still managed to get a bit burned. I understand that overcast days are the worst, because you don’t realize that you are getting burned. Oh well, it was a fun day overall, and helped out a good cause. Overall, 25,000 people attended, raising over $3 million dollars. Way to go, San Francisco.

I hate death. I hate that people have to die. It’s very sad. At the time I’m entering this into the journal, John F. Kennedy, Jr., his wife, Caroline and her sister, Lauren, are now presumed to be dead, somewhere under the water. I’m sure they’ll be found…but when is a mystery. Things like this, always make me begin to think about my own mortality…will I die young or will I die an old man.

I have this fascination with those ER shows on television. I’m not talking about the show ER, but those real life dramas, like Life In the ER on TLC, or the paramedics show. All the blood, guts and gore are interesting to me. Watching them do their jobs, how they operate and everything is so interesting to me, sometimes I wonder if I should have been a doctor or somewhere in the medical field. I could watch those all weekend. Another show I like is the Reunion show on Lifetime, its a happy show…people reuniting with lost family members. I always end up getting happy tears, its silly.

Have I mentioned how I want to see the Blair Witch Project. Something about that movie makes me want to see it. Everyone I’ve spoken too has told me that it scared the hell out of them, which makes me want to see it even more. I’ll probably see it and then I won’t be able to sleep for a week. The girl I spoke to today about it said that it scared her more because of the camera effects and how it was filmed, it just seemed really realistic, like it could have happened. But, I’ll just have to remind myself, it’s just a movie.

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