Plays Well With Others

An Activity That Brings Me Pleasure…

My Horoscope for Today*:
Try something different today. Be open to ideas from others. You’ll discover a new activity which brings you pleasure.

A new activity which brings me pleasure? What would that be..I haven’t tried anything new today, so who know what new activity I’ll be discovering that will bring me pleasure. And get your minds out of the gutter if your thinking something nasty…that is far from being a NEW activity.

I love a clean car…I’ve always kept me car extremely clean inside and out. I dont like having crap piled up in my car, and always clear out any trash at the end of the day…its one of my compulsions. My friend Les on the other hand is the opposite. He treats his pickup like a second home, or garbage dump. There are soda bottles, chip bags, pens, paper, books, etc. piled up on the dash, on the seat, on the floor and behind the seat…its nearly impossible for more than him to be in the truck…but somehow we manage. I got my car professionally washed and detailed today, which I do twice a year. Its so nice and clean that I’m thrilled. I usually do the detailing myself…but twice a year its nice to have someone else do it. Ah..a nice a clean car…I love it.

I just have to get through August and then I’m on vacation in New York – Downtown. I really am excited, and hopefully this dreadful heatwave will have subsided by then. My plan is to walk the city everyday, and I just dont think I’d be able to handle the scorching 100+ degree weather. Remember, I’m from Sunny California where it hits a high of 75 degrees on average. Most people try to scare me about New York, but I’m really not worried too much…I think I can take care of myself.

I got my hair cut today…if I hadnt mentioned before, I got my hair buzzed at the beginning of July and needed a cleanup today. I like it, very easy to take care of. I’m used to spending half an hour drying my hair, applying gel (so my hair doesnt sponge out like a brillo pad), and then trying to comb it to look decent. Now I get out of the shower and towel dry it and walk out. So easy. This is the most daring thing I’ve done regarding my appearance in my whole life. I’ve never been into conforming into the style of the times, but luckily I’ve got pretty good taste in clothing…er, expensive too.

I stay away from “trendy” clothes…you know, the ones that will go out of fashion in a year. I try to stick to blue jeans, t-shirts, dressy and casual collared shirts, basic khaki pants. I want to be able to wear my clothing for a long time to come…I just dont have the income to buy new clothes every year. I think I look pretty hip if I say so myself. Is hip still a word, or do kids think its a part of your body?

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