Plays Well With Others

Into the future …

These entries seem to be getting farther and fewer between, but at least I’m still updating, unlike some of my fellow journalers, who have fallen off the planet.

So, I took the weekend off of doing the journal, just because I feel like enjoying my weekends, without having to remember everything for a journal entry. I may end up just not posting on weekends, unless something utterly fantastic happens. Just letting you know in advance, so you won’t think I’ve died on weekends.

Friday was my performance review. For those of you not aware, a performance review is sort of like getting graded by your boss, they tell you what you are doing good at and what you need to improve on.

I’ve been working for about ten years now, and have never gotten a bad performance review. I’ve received some advice on how to improve, but never a scathing review. Now the first review at a new company is always nerve wracking, because I dont know how they review people.

Anyhow, the time came and my boss, and supervisor walked into our “shag” room, named after the shag carpet in our television room at work. They handed me a written review and told me I was doing an excellent job, and then they gave me a promotion, and told me that it included a “significant” pay increase. Of course, I have no idea what significant is, because they couldnt tell me until it’s approved by upper management. So, although, I have vision of dollar signs dancing in my head, I really have no clue if my significant, and their significant is the same thing.

So, to say the least, I’m feeling pretty darn good right now, and am looking forward to taking on some new responsibilities. Some of their comments included, that they wanted me to get involved in product management, which is sort of another job function. I’m a producer, which means I do the web site design, or how it looks. We have engineers that take what I design and actually make it work, like the forms and links and everything. The product managers are the one that oversee the project, meaning that they come up with how they want the site to work and what features it has, so that’s what they want me to get involved in.

Basically they want everyone to get involved in every job, so we all know what each other is doing.

After work on Friday, I stopped by the Good Guys and picked up a VCR and a DVD player, because I’ve been wanting one forever, but never had the chance to get one. Just a little gift for myself.

So, today I joined the Blockbuster near my new apartment, and rented a few movies on DVD. That’s what I’m watching as I type in this entry.

A Drew Barrymore movie, called “Never Been Kissed”. It’s kind of a funny movie, nothing that requires brains to watch … one of those sit and relax and dont think about much types of movies. It’s become one of Kara’s favorite movies.

My weekend was typical. Saturday was a lazy day, I sat on my ass and watched one of the DVD movies, and didnt do much of anything else, since Kara was out for the day, I though it would be nice to enjoy the apartment.

Sunday, I had a handful of projects to take care of at my mom’s house, and figured while I was there I’d take care of laundry at the same time. So, bright and early I ran over started the laundry, and began the process of installing a deadbolt on my mom’s kitchen door. They give you a template that you tape to the door and then you just have to drill a huge hole in the door. Now, if you knew my mom, she’s the last person you want around when you are doing anything.

She calls me over to do this, then sits on top of me the whole time, going “are you sure the hole needs to be that big, what if it’s too big, the inside part of the deadbolt isn’t that big?” I ended up telling her to go away, or I’d just leave the door with a big hole in it. In the end everything fit and she was happy. I mean the directions told me what size to make, it’s not like I was just guessing. “Hmm, lets see, well this size looks good … I’ll just stick a big ass hole in the door and see what happens … erm, do we have any spackle?”

So, other projects included fixing a cabinet door in the kitchen. Somehow it loosened up and became crooked, so it just involved taking the screws out and putting new ones in. Easy, just how I like it.

Then her garbage disposal broke. It makes a humming noise, but that’s it. I looked at it, but have no clue where to begin on that. She wanted me to take it apart, and I basically said that there were people who did that for a living, and they might even know how to put it back together. They would also know what they were looking at once they took it apart. Sometimes my mom thinks I’m like an expert in everything.

Then I mowed her front and back lawns. By the time I was done with all these projects, the laundry was done. There are always projects to do over at her house, that’s why I try to stay away.

In between doing everything I did on Sunday, I ran back to the apartment and painted the bathroom. See, the guy that painted it the first time must’ve done it in the dark, because he missed all kinds of spots on the wall and ceiling. He painted it this yellowy color, but then all these white marks were all over the wall, because he missed them with the paint brush. So, I just painted it a cream color, and now it all matches, plus it’s alot brighter too.

My TV in my room broke. It kind of works. Well, it turns on, and then when I turn the channel it just shuts off. Once it shuts off, it takes about ten minutes for it to be able to be turned on again. So, having a TV that you can’t turn the channel sort of defeats the whole purpose of having one, dont you think?

I’ll have to get a new one I suppose. I dont really watch it that much anyway. Kara and I tend to like the same programs, and watch TV together most nights, but it would be nice to have one to go with the VCR in my room. I mean since I have the VCR, I should at least have a monitor to use with it.

So, Krysten believes that Tim has been swallowed up by a strange African flu and is being studied by scientists around the world. I think so too. It’s unlike him to be gone so long, so either he’s really ill, or he just doesnt want to talk to us, or his internet connection is just gone.

I like to think his internet connection is gone, I just know that Tim wouldnt just drop us like a cheap bag of rags, or a cheap bottle of wine, or something.

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