Plays Well With Others

The Missing Link …

I opened my mail today and was surprised to find that I had been automatically removed from my own web ring. They say my links are mismatched or something. What the hell is that? It’s MY webring, and they took me off of it. I can do whatever I want, and there will be noone telling me differently. Did anyone else get this retarded message.

Not only is the message retarded, but it’s not even readable. It says that I’ve been removed and that link in subsection string number blah blah blah is incorrect. Jesus Christ, how the hell am I supposed to fix it if I cant even read the message.

So, to those of you in the webring, let me know if you got a message like that.

As you all know by now, I asked my readers to send me photos of themselves because I want to know who is reading my journal and I was happy to get two more.

On the left is Rasee, or Ras on ICQ whom I’ve chatted with a couple of times. She also wants to make sure I mention that she’s looking for a wealthy, gorgeous guy to marry, so if any of you have an extra one of those in your closet or under your bed, make sure to lead them her way. On the right is Helen, who happens to be the last person to sign my guestbook [that’s how I found her photo link!]. Also, I should mention that the dude in the photo is an old boyfriend of hers, so maybe if he’s rich and wealthy, we can hook him up with Ras. So everyone say Hi to Ras and Helen and welcome them aboard the love train.

So here’s my public service announcement for the day in my deep booming American radio announcer voice, “Everyone send in those photos, its for a good cause, help support the journalistically challenged folks and show them you support the mysteriously wonderfully Greg @ Commixion”. Now if someone can tell me “journalistically” is a word, I’ll give you seven quid (is that the right term, Tim … these foreigners with their funny money). And speaking of Tim, where the hell did your entry go. I signed in and got this strange page, someone is getting very sloppy with their journal entries.

I know Tim is schlopping this up, he loves when I pick on him. Not only the free advertising space in my journal, but also it give him a chance to bash me.

Like I mentioned in my last entry, my roommate has a friend staying over. She here’s the story. She’s in love with him and has been trying to get in his pants for her whole life, unfortunately he just sees her as a friend. [Does this sound familiar, if not refer to subsection B of the “random thoughts.. not quite a journal entry” thing in the right hand column, subsection, “clueless”] Poor shmuck. I mean he’s coming here to have a place to stay and she’s drooling all over him like a giddy schoolgirl.

Before he arrived, I asked her if she had extra blanket for the sofabed in the living room, because it got cold out there, and she made some excuses, bought a new bed, and then decided that he could sleep in her bedroom on her futon. Yeah, I did say she bought a new bed for his arrival. Well, okay, I’m being caddy now. Maybe she really needed a new bed. Maybe she really needed to spend a couple hundred dollars right now, even though all she does is whine about now being able to pay the bills. Hey, who am I to disagree that her back problems call for a new bed. Whatever. All I know is that there is a perfectly good, hardly used sofa bed sitting in the living room for any guest to use.

The poor shmuck.

So, what do I do with my time. Well, lately I work, and then go home and work. I work alot. Too much.

After class last night, I got home and after cooking a gourmet meal consisting of a corn dog with some mustard, I flipped on the computer and began working on some personal projects. See my life lately consists of working during the day to get all of our projects out and working, and then at night I put on my save the television show hat and start answering emails from fans wanted to save Freaks and Geeks. Basically, our current thing is to get the show moved to another network, which is surprisingly within our reach, moreso for FOX television.

I’ve also found some online friends that I chat with at night, about various things. It started out talking about the show, but when you start digging you find some interesting things about people. For example, one guy is an extra on the show and has provided tons of content and photos for the fan site, but while not working on the set, he works at a Rite Aid store. I thought this was hilarious. Everyday he thinks someone is going to come in and rob the joint. He’s totally paranoid that people are scoping out the Rite Aid, ready to launch their big attack.

Another guy is a writer for an online column, and does a entertainment review column. He’s written tons of articles on the show, but also is doing a college telecast for the Oscars and even has his own list of who he thinks is going to win. He’s been extremely helpful to getting the fan site working, and is also one of the ringleaders, next to me, that the creator of the show personally asked for at a recent conference. Unfortunately neither of us could attend.

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