Plays Well With Others

April Fools …

So, do you think Tim really is gone forever? I have no clue. Here is what I do know about my dear friend. His notify list is no longer in service. I was sent an email saying the notify list was suspended. Then I went to the URL for tim’s homepage and it was this awful looking page. It’s uttlerly ghastly. I mean really really not nice.

So my question is now, is Tim playing an April Fools joke on us, or is he just plain gone. That’s too bad. Not even a goodbye or a farewell or a see ya later. Just one day one and the next gone.

Hmm. I still think he’s buried under a pile of dirty clothes, when he was searching for his remote. That’s my theory.

Another nice day today. Very warm, a little too warm. You know those nights where its too warm to sleep. The apartment has no air conditioning, because it rarely gets warm

I got up rather early and went grocery shopping for some food. We got down to very little food so it was time. Also my mom and aunt were going to drop by to see the apartment so I needed some beverages to offer.

They stopped by around noon and stayed for about half an hour and the went off on their own plans for the day. I went over to the animal shelter to look at cats. Both Kara and I want one, so I figured I’d go look. I found a really cute tabby short hair, and went to adopt it but they need to hear from my landlord, so now I’m just waiting to hear from him. The cat is on hold.

I was hoping I could just bring it home, but they’ve got processes for the adoption. Now I just have to wait. Hopefully everything will work out.

I wrote everything prior to this on April 1st, and am now writing the rest on April 2nd. Just so you know. Are you confused yet?

So, last night I attended a birthday part for a friend. He doesnt have family here so it was mainly the family of his wife, my friend. I could also bring up at this time how her family is partly my family, but I dont want to really have to go down that road. Anyhow, it was fun. I bought him Sims. It’s a game where you create people and control their lives, even down to when they go to the bathroom and all sorts of other things. I think they’ll enjoy it. I want the game but they dont make it for Mac yet. Are you seeing my ulterior motive yet.

After getting the whole move your clock forward thing out of the way, I managed to get up by 9AM, have a bowl of Fruity Pebbles and get out for a drive to the beach. The weather is so nice these days that I just had to enjoy a day outside. So at first I headed down Hwy 1 towards Santa Cruz, but found most of those beaches state owned, which means you have to pay to park at the beach. Somehow it defeated the whole thing of going to the beach by having to PAY for it, so I turned around and headed for Pacifica beach.

A free beach, I parked in the lot, grabbed my book and sat on a rock and read a few chapters. Here’s the funny thing. I was sitting on the rock reading and out of the corner of my eye I saw something move under the rock. So I didnt really move or anything but glanced over there and saw a shadow of something. I went back to reading and suddenly this chipmunk popped out and stood on a small rock below me.

He just stood there for awhile while I looked on, and then ran under the rock again. I started reading again, and suddenly he came back with a carrot in his mouth, as if to show me what he found. He stood right within a place where I could see him and slowly chomped on the carrot.

He ate every last bit with his eyes staring right at me as I watch him. Then he disappeared again. I began reading, and got through a chapter before he reappeared again. I looked over and saw him poking his head out of the crack between the rock I was sitting on and the next one. This time he was sitting right next to my shoe … practically within touching distance. I just stared at him and then he walked closer and behind me and around and then hid under a rock once more. At that point it was time for me to leave.

I think I just found it so interesting to watch this little animal go about it’s day, fully aware of me. Fully aware I was watching it, but it still did what it needed to do. It shared its meal with me, by letting me watch and then came closer to me to check me out. I love interacting with nature like that.

I spent the rest of the day with my friend Les. Stopped my his mothers house where he was avoiding doing garden work, and then stole him for the rest of the day. We took a hike near the airport. There is a path, where you can watch the planes take off, and walk behind the hotels in Burlingame, so that was fun, and about six miles. We got a chance to talk about stuff, which is nice to do from time to time.

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