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Have any of you

Have any of you seen the show Big Brother [1]? The show is sort of like a 24 hours a day Real World, with a little Road Rules mixed in.

These people are chosen to live in a house, their lives taped … 24 hours a day. The thing is that unlike Real World, this show airs five days a week and can be watched on the web 24 hours a day. Also, the camera men aren’t in the house, but are surrounding the house. Cameras everywhere you look, even over the toilet and over the shower. Then they have mini-challenges to do … for things like money, and a clock so far.

A few other little things are that they only have a enough shower water in the morning for about a ten minute shower per person, and the water only lasts about an hour or two, during a certain time period. They are just trying to provoke something there.

If you are into voyeurism I guess watching the webcam could be fun, but for the most part it’s pretty damn boring. I mean they sit around and talk about stuff, and the other night they must’ve spent two or three hours making ceramic face masks of their own faces. Hours! I mean, I certainly didnt sit and watch that many hours of it, but you could just tell and I started thinking … I bet there are people who are really tuned into this and are sitting around watching this 24/7.

Ack! Then I start thinking, damn, I would look like such a dork if I were on there. I dont like being on camera as it is, and to be on camera 24/7 … god I would have such a complex.

Anyhow, all I can say is that these people laugh ALOT. I guess we just have to wait to see who’s laughing in a couple of weeks when people start getting kicked off … and then lets see who’s laughing after three months of living in this house, without outside contact … and the person who wins the money for making it.