Plays Well With Others

Okay guys, for some

Okay guys, for some reason I didn’t die in my sleep last night like I was supposed to. Anyone hear melodrama going on here?

The tumor in my neck is still there, although it seems to have shrunken just a little bit. I still have a headache, and the last two nights I’ve gone to bed shivering. Wifey™ seems to think I have a man-cold. She had similar flu-like symptoms a weeks ago, but it was nothing compared to mine. It’s a well known fact that men suffer more than women when we are sick. We need to be taken care of and definitely get worse symptoms.

So, I’ve spent the last three days sitting at home recuperating. My doctor told me I shouldn’t drive while on the antibiotics, or I could end up driving off a cliff. Not that that wouldnt be a bad thing, because at least then I wouldnt have to worry about the large growth in my neck.

Does anyone feel sorry for me yet? 🙂

I cleaned a little bit today because I found that when I woke up this morning, I couldnt step on the floor of my bedroom. Somehow over the last three days the floor has become littered with clothes, papers, bags, etc. and it got to the point where if I stepped on the floor I’d hurt myself. So I cleaned the bedroom, the moved onto the living room, then the kitchen. Nothing strenuous, just some basic tidying up. Im such a houseboy now. I could easily spend the day at home while my significant other worked. I’d cook dinner and make breakfast and clean the house and go grocery shopping, and if there were kids, I’d take care of them too. What the hell are you women bitching about? I mean the kids are off in school from 8AM to 3PM, giving you the whole day to goof off. By the time the kids come home, you just have to deal with them for a couple of hours before Dad comes home. “Oh honey, I’ve had such a hard day … I had to clean the house and go grocery shopping” Took me half and hour to clean the house and you only have to do it maybe once or twice a week and the rest of the time its just tidying the house up. What you dont hear is “Oh honey, I sat on my fat ass all day long and watch Jerry Springer and Ricki Lake while eating Bon Bons on the sofa, and then an hour before you got home started dinner and cleaned the house.”

Ha … hmm. I must be halucinating or something. I’m in ALOT of trouble now, I can just hear it. I’m gonna get screamed at by someone. Ha Ha.. just kidding. Really, I am. Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful. 🙂

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