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How do I keep

How do I keep myself busy?

Well, I spent Saturday night in the emergency room again. This time it was because my temperature has started to go up instead of down. When I left the house, it was at 101.9 and by the time I got to the hospital it had gone all the way up to 103.9 degrees. According to the nurse, you can go all the way up to 105 and still be okay. You might start acting funny, start drooling and shaking violently, but you’ll be okay.

Anyhow, they did the routine of tests on me and came back with new prescriptions. Seems I have an absess on my tonsil, meaning an infectious bump. So, I’ve spent the last week now only getting worse. My fever goes up and down, I start sweating like a hog in heat, and can’t eat anything that can’t easily slide down my throat. Sound like fun yet?

Anyhow, they gave me this medicine called Vicotin that basically numbs your whole body. I took that last night before bed and within and hour I wasn’t feeling anything at all. Tim, if you really want a good high, take some of this stuff.

The hospital visit ended around midnight, just in time to get home and get in bed by 1AM. Half an hour later, my apartment started shaking from an earthquake. It was strong where it was centered, but by the time it hit us it was a tiny shaker. Nothing to look twice at.

At this point, I’m trying to recover from another mystery illness. At least this time, they narrowed it down to an infection in my throat. I’ll be off work on Tuesday, and then we’ll see where it goes from there. Is this what getting old does to a person … ?