Plays Well With Others

“You sound like you

“You sound like you have snot in your throat”

“Thanks, I have an infection in my throat that is cutting off my only route to get food in my body”

I’m not sure what the hospitals thought process is at this point. Yesterday I went in and saw the latest doctor because I didnt feel I was getting better. This doctor doesnt think there is an abcess on my tonsil because now instead of only one being inflammed and puss-ridden (how does one spell pussie/pussy?) … it seems both are. No absess. All I know is that they are blocking my swallowing tube.

This is becoming an interesting journal. I sound like someones grandma. You know how old ladies always sit around and compare their latest buneon, or who has the most medications. Maybe I should call this journal Complaints of an Always Ill Journaler.

I want to eat a fucking Burrito Supreme … but all I can get down is a couple drops of Kool Aid at a time. Woohoo!

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