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Friends you love … to hate …

Have you ever had one of those people in your life that you sometimes dont know how to get rid of? Well, I do. Let’s call her, um, Katie. Just kidding. I like Katie. Let’s just not use a name. I’ve known her since high school, and over the years she’s become more and more negative and condescending to the point that no one wants to be around her anymore. She’s got this attitude that she’s better than everyone else, she thinks she has more money, a better apartment, a better car, better clothes and a better job, than all of the rest of us combined. Of course, its only in her head, because she lives in a cramped, messy one bedroom, she drives a 2000 GMC Jimmy that looks like it should’ve been put out to pasture before she even bought it, and she’s a freaking secretary at a law firm. For some reason, she gets off on saying that she works for a law firm.

She won’t hardly even talk to my best friend anymore because him and his girlfriends are mere teachers. And she managed to put me down practically everytime I see her. Let’s name off a few. Even though my car is newer and nicer than hers, she insists hers is better because CRV’s are on “car chasis’s” and Jimmy’s are on “truck chasis’s”, according to her, the all knowing. When I was excited about my new job for the dot-com, she immediately started capping on the business model. I actually snapped at her for that one. Then when I got laid off, she was pretty smug about it because she felt she’d proved her point that the dot-com would fail. Oh, and there is the time I got my first car and she saw it and gasped, “You didnt actually choose THAT color did you”. It was a plum colored Saturn and very sharp, in my opinion. Like her cobalt blue truck is something to write home about. Anyhow, let’s not get caddy.

The point of this is to gripe about today’s misadventure. Here’s a little background, first. Seems like since I became engaged, she’s pestering me more and more, and I know exactly what it is. She wants to be friends with Wifey™. Actually, she wants a couple to do things with. Guess who the lucky person is. So, in the last few months, she’s been inviting me out alot, and for the most part, I’ve managed to dodge most of them with excuses. Of course, for about the last two months, she’s started making plans months ahead of time to that there will be no way I can say I’m busy because obviously she got me so far ahead, that I couldnt plan anything. So, yesterday, I got this email:

I was planning a short overnighter in December to Columbia State Park. They have a Victorian Feast (it is a Victorian era theme throughout the park), where there is a fancy dinner, as well as a lamplight tour, an equestrian parade, a nativity procession and little time period vignettes/plays acted out. I thought you and Wifey™ette might like to go. It is just for one night 12/8. [We] are leaving that morning, staying over and coming back Sunday afternoon. It is not a long drive (much less than Reno). I was thinking that it is another way Wifey™ette might get to see some of CA. We are staying at the City Hotel (but we got the last room). There is the [hotel] about a block from Main Street (where we are staying) where if it isn’t booked, there is [another hotel] for $105 + tax ($113.20 total). I took a look at these rooms via website, and they look nice, they are closer to where we are staying (and probably nicer) than the next place I mention, so if you plan to stay at [the other hotel] call really soon because they are booking up. Also, there is the [another hotel], down the road about 2-3 blocks from Main Street which has rooms $52 + tax. They are not fancy rooms, and it has been a while since we’ve been there, but they are relatively clean and the manager of the [other hotel] said they were remodeling, so it should be o.k. Let me know. I know you’re busy and all, but I thought you might be interested. Hope you two come! 🙂

Anyhow, I didnt answer because I got to busy and then went out last night. So this morning, I get a second email with the subject: “Did you get my email from yesterday?”. So I responded explaining how I hadn’t had time to think about it much, since things were so busy at work and trying to get Wifey™ here. Also mentioning how I couldnt plan that far in advance.

Well, I thought that would be the end of it, until about ten minutes later I get THIS email:

I understand, but i’m asking now because there are quite a few activities that overlap there that weekend, so it is booking up. I know it’s hard to think that far ahead when you’re busy at work, working on getting the wedding together, are concerned about getting Wifey™ette out here, etc. I thought this might be the case, so what I did was made the reservations for you two under your names on our card. We have until 7 days before to cancel without penalty. We also changed hotels so we could be in the same hotel. If you are concerned about money (which I know is not a subject that you really want to address, but it does have to be), we will either gladly wait until that weekend-i.e. after your wedding for you to reimburse us, or we can consider this your “big” wedding gift from us (you will get a very small gift on your wedding if we go this route). PLEASE DON’T FEEL LIKE I AM PUSHING YOU TWO INTO THIS. I JUST WANT THE OPTION TO BE THERE JUST IN CASE YOU DO GO.

So, that’s a bunch of bullshit. I dont want to push you into this, let me just book you some rooms and shit. Uh huh. And what’s that bullshit about wedding presents. I didnt ask for one. Yeah no pressure my ass. “I thought you might not have time, so I booked everything for you … ” Aaaaaarghh!! I’m not going. I’m not. Of course, I didnt answer that email either, and so …

I get another email with the subject line “OK?”. See, that’s another thing. She knows I wont answer her emails, so now she’s putting notes in the subject line, so I can’t get around it. So my final email just said that I can’t plan that far in advance and definately can’t plan a trip like that without first finding out if Wifey™ even wants to go, which I already know she won’t because she hates this girl.

I hate it when someone starts imposing themselves on your life. It sucks. Argh …