Plays Well With Others

Bits of life …

Murdered: So, my mom calls me yesterday telling me that her pets had been murdered and there were pieces of them all over the backyard. They, of course, were her fish from her pond. Seems that a racoon or something jumped into the pond and tore the little fish apart, mostly eating their heads and leaving body parts, tails and scales all over the backyard. She said it looked like a murder scene back there …

IMA NERD: The ROOMATE is getting set to leave on Saturday morning, actually at the buttcrack of dawn is when I’m getting up to get him to the airport for his flight. I’ll probably spend Saturday cleaning up the pond I mentioned before, and spend Sunday moving my computer stuff back into the room he was using.

I’m actually all excited about getting my computers networked up together. I’m planning on using a router to connect the two computers to the DSL line, which will enable me to be online with two computers using only one DSL line. I’m also trying to figure out how to connect my old tower computer to the network to use it as a standalone server for some of my extra web stuff. I’m so excited I think I might burst. Erm, I’m also feeling a little nerdy right now, so I’ll stop.

The arrival: On the whole INS front, we are now waiting for Wifey™’s appointment for her interview. She has her interview for the physical exam portion,which I think it to make sure SHE won’t get sick when she comes here. Canada has to be alot healthier than we are here. Once that’s dont its just a waiting game for the INS to contact her with an interview appointment date.

On my side, I have to put together proof of employment papers and verification of assets, basically meaning that I need to have or make a certain amount of money so they know she won’t become a drain on society. The paperwork says you have to at least make something like $9,000 a year to be able to sponsor someone to come into the country, which explains a hell of alot. Mainly the reason we have so many poor people coming into the country. Good lord, $9,000. Who the hell doesnt make that in a year, even on minimum wage. So, basically ANYONE can get people into this country. Way to be tough.

Tea please? I’m trying to drink tea at work, since I dont drink coffee at all. Coffee just gives me a headache, and the tea, I’m finding just tastes like what I’d imagine dirty gym socks to taste like. Uck. The water is all mucky, and it tastes like dirty water. I dont know how the hell people drink that stuff.

Anyhow, that’s what is going on …

2 Responses to 'Bits of life …'

  1. personal avatar
    Katie | 17 August 2001

    Erm, did you put any sugar or lemon or anything in it, or are you drinking it straight…

  2. personal avatar
    Greg | 17 August 2001

    Oh… should I put something in it? I dont think we have an lemons here at work, but that have tons of cream and sugar around here.. maybe dirty sugar water will taste better…

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