Plays Well With Others

Continuing on Condit …

I told myself all day yesterday that I wasn’t going to watch that interview. Who cares? Not me, no sirreee, I sure don’t care. And then it happened. Ten o’clock rolled around and there I was watching the stupid interview.

I really just wanted to see if Connie Chung would ask some good tough questions. I mean, she was a bigtime reporter for a long time when I was younger and then her and Maury Povich adopted those kids and she disappeared off the face of the earth. So I partly watched to see what she’d come up with and partly to find out what Condit had to say.

As I figured, not much of anything was really said. The interview was all a part of Condit’s PR campaign to make him look like a good guy. They chose Connie Chung to do the interview, hoping a woman reporter would be easier on him, and even stipulated that it would be live to tape, without editing and would only last half an hour. I guess if I’m going to do an interview, I’d like to control everything too.

The interview itself was awkward to say the least. Connie seemed frustrated that he wouldnt answer her questions, and he was equally frustrated that she was asking them. What’d he expect, though. It’s not like she asked what his penis size was. She asked the questions everyone is wondering about. Did he have a sexual relationship with Chandra Levy? Not that I care about that one, whatever he wants to do is his own business. Did he kill her? Did he know who killed her? Why’d he clam up for so long about the subject?

Of course the question I liked the most was something along the lines of “why’d you throw the watch case away in a dumpster in some random park?” His brilliant answer was that he was cleaning out his office. Now, I dont know about you all, but when I clean out my office, I dont haul the shit to some dumpster in the middle of nowhere. I just toss it in the trash can next to my desk. Maybe I’m just weird.

Anyhow, the interview finally ended and we dont know any more than we originally knew, except that now Gary Condit looks like a lying bastard. If I were him I’d fire my PR group for even suggesting I do that interview. What a mistake that was. Ugh.

He does have some supporters out there, and one of them piped up right away to say that Connie Chung was downright rude by interrupting him all the time. Of course, if he would have answered a question without running in circles first, maybe she wouldnt have interrupted him.

Overall, I dont care much about the whole thing, but it made for a good entry and something to watch on TV. I’d be interested to find out what exactly happened to the girl just to put the story to rest once and for all, but that’s about where my interest ends. Anyone else have a thought on this?

One Response to 'Continuing on Condit …'

  1. personal avatar
    julie | 27 August 2001

    my favorite part was when connie chung had asked “had you asked her to lie about your relationship” (i think he was asking about the stewardess) and he said “i never aked anyone to lie.” .. mind you she said “did you ask HER”.. wouldn’t you respond in the normal response “no i didn’t ask HER to lie about the relationship?” .. to me, that interview just shows he’s just a lying bastard.. and i thought the same thing about the dumspter! i mean, heck.. the boy’s strange.

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