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Cheese, cracker, gas mask?

Not that I’m already not scared shitless from all this hijacking planes and ramming them into buildings shit, but now reports are coming out that we could be in for biological warfare. Greeeeeaaaat.

One report I read indicated that these assholes that rammed into the World Trade Center had planned on, first, sending poisonous fumes through the air duct system so that the people would be incapacitated and unable to exit the building. Shit. Other stories say that not all of these guys were learning how to fly planes. Some were learning how to drive tanker trucks, so they could fill them with a deadly bacteria and then ram those trucks into a city. Ugh.

This shit freaks me the hell out. I mean, at least you have the itty bittiest of chances against a plane crashing on top of you … as long as its not ON TOP of you. With the germ warfare shit, it could be a tiny little droplet put into the air conditioning of any building and it would wipe out an entire office within moments. I mean, how do you escape something like that without a gas mask of some sort.

I also got a warning the other day that there are envelopes being sent out at random with sponges inside of them. Basically you open the envelope and unseal the sponge and the bacteria is unleashed and kills you. Who needs the Unabomber anymore. Now they can just put a little sponge in a envelope and bam … you’re a goner.

What scares me more is that the bacteria wouldnt kill me quickly. At least with the airplane it pretty much kills you instantly, whereas, bacteria could be made to just eat your skin off a little at a time. I hope they figure this all out. I really dont need to become one of those people that builds an underground fortress and never comes out … but I’m heading in that direction. It’s just too dangerous living in this world. Ugh.

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